Monday, September 26, 2011


Can't believe it's been over two years since this event.
And PLEASE excuse the cameo appearance of my posterior in the video.

Now I'm off to buy some ramen noodles, haven't done that for two years.


Reno said...

I got all teary-eyed and excited! Brought back memories for me of my own son missionaries. I'm very happy for your missionary homecoming!

Momza said...

So neat that you have that moment forever. So wild that he'll be home in 48 hours!!

Jessica said...

was that a video of elder d or of your posterior? HA HA! Love it! SOOOO excited!!

Kerin said...

You are going to have the best week ever :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I got all hearbeaty and nervous as he was opening the envelope. @ of my 4 have already headed out, and now I will have to gear up all over again in the next few years. COOL!

Granny J said...

That was great! I have to say DITTO to all of the previous comments...I'm blinking back the tears!

Anonymous said...

The picture didn't come through on my computer. Wish I could have seen it.