And in between songs, we were entertained by the antics of these two...

See this here jug?
Well, what do you do with it when it's empty?
Throw it away?
Of course not!
You rinse it out thoroughly, fill it up with water and then mark on it SOAPY WATER with your trusty magic Sharpie pen. (random side note-did you know that my son served on his mission in the town that is called the Capital of Sharpies????)
Then you put it on your food storage shelf to save the soapy water to use when all he// breaks loose and we don't have water. It could be used to wash dirty dishes, clothing, bodies, etc.
Great idea.......eh?.....yes......si?
Ok-well I thought it was an awesome idea.
Miss Liss....aka Boofus....says that these bedspreads are too girly.
I know it is a horrible picture-my flash is acting screwy-but it IS brown and blue after all. But-I don't think they are too "girlie."
Bubba D says...."whatever, I don't care." (which is pretty much his answer to everything)
P.S. The room doesn't usually look this good. I had to kick a bunch of dirty clothes out of the photo.
The lovely result is over 50 pints of potatoes, I figured the cost was less than $10.00. What can you do with canned potatoes?
Well, I created a little "veggie hash" recipe for breakfast when we went off eggs for awhile. I put in chopped potatoes, mushrooms, peppers, a little onion and if I have it, some chicken sausage. (I'd put spinach in if it wouldn't cause an all-out rebellion) Yum. And you can use the already cooked potatoes for potato salad, a stew or chicken pot pie-a family fav around here. You could even mash them up with a little butter and milk!
P.S. If you're wondering about my weird title for this post, go here..
And he grew up to be my #1 main man, eternal companion, and all around good guy!
Happy Birthday TL!
Since we took over the extra bedroom for an office, and I'm not willing to give it back..
(I think I need some new bedspreads....looks a little blah...what color?)
And my music-lovin' teenagers kindly put together this:Step 5:
Volume is not optional-the louder the better. (earplugs provided upon request)
And I apologize for not having gorgeous photos of you when you were little....
But I think you turned out to be pretty special!
Have a happy, happy birthday!!
Why oh why does it always take longer than you think to get something put together?
And after a few tense moments, (and maybe a few muttered curses) we have...
A composter!!
Just another step closer to granola-ism......
Now the pile of garden refuse, grass clippings and kitchen scraps can be transformed into...
I love the sweet pinkness of it!
Mom-does it look as cute as it did at the Cotton Shop last summer???
I've got some more piles of pink and blue cotton to create some more delicious softness for the other little bundles arriving---as soon as we know the gender!! But I'm thinkin' it may be wise to get ahead of the game and start creating anyway-these little bundles are arriving faster than I can keep up!!
I have decided it makes a perfectly wonderful salt cellar for the lovely, natural sea salt, complete with extra minerals, sitting next to my stove...........
and gosh, Jen, you don't need to thank me for all the money I spent on those expensive ceramics classes. This is definitely my repayment ♥!
More than 50% of these babies have a few peck marks in them.....
I recently bought a food scale to keep track of my harvest. These folks have completely inspired me. Although I don't garden on the scale that they do-they manage to harvest between 6000-8000 POUNDS of food each year off their ordinary city lot. That's alottafood folks!
My harvest total Tues: 4 pounds!!!!
Nearly 4 oz of berries
7 oz of carrots
3 lbs of lettuce!
Woo-haa....only 5996 pounds to go.....
If the birds don't get it first!