Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Images
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Feast Without the Calories
What is your favorite menu item you will eat at your Thanksgiving Feast?
It's a tossup between the "stuffing" and the chiffon pumpkin pie, all treasured recipes handed down to me from my mother. I have memories of the delicious smell of onions, celery and shredded carrots simmering in about a pound of butter prior to their addition to the bread crumbs. Also, I don't really like traditional baked pumpkin pie, but my grandmother's chiffon pumpkin pie is a must-have every year. It's light and fluffy and full of delicious cinnamony-ness.
What are you most grateful for at THIS moment?
I'm grateful for our Heavenly Father's great plan of happiness. Last night our dear niece lost a baby that they had been working so hard to get. In order to preserve her life, the baby had to be sacrificed. I'm so grateful for the peace and comfort of the gospel and the knowledge we have of eternal life and that families are forever. We can have peace in the midst of pain, through the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We love you, J & M!
What is different about Thanksgiving this year?
We will miss a bunch of our family members, our Elder Bubba D, shivering in Alaska, our son Rick's family, kind of shivering in Utah, but having a grand time and our Amy's family, visiting the in-laws. But we have the addition of our son, the former Elder Steve, his first Thanksgiving home in two years, and get to enjoy los Elderes and our Grandpa's company.
Midnight Snack
Where are you spending Thanksgiving this year and what part of the menu are you preparing?
Here en la casa de Madwoman. I'm cooking pretty much everything except rolls, green beans, jello....and what else are you bringing Jess?
Recipe of the week
Press forward. (see 2 Nephi 31:20)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Men's Room
The beloved chop saw-very useful for all honeydo jobs.The 327 ice chests that we have collected over the years....
The saddles for the horses that we have not had for well over 20 years...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Oh My Stinkin' Heck!

Thursday, November 19, 2009
Listen to Your Inner Voice
I brushed it off and went on my way, feeling smug for checking off the necessary evil for again another year.
Then two days later, the phone call. I needed to go back for another check, on the left side, plus an additional ultrasound. Earliest available appointment, ten days away.
My heart stopped. Tears flowed. A frantic call to my mother, and my aunt, who is a breast cancer survivor. (don't we always think the worst!!!)
Sorry kids, I didn't tell you. This is the first time most of them are hearing about this.
After the panic subsided, I listened to my inner voice......
It said, "it's probably ok, but if there is something there, it isn't going to go away and it won't do you any good to fuss over it."
So I listened. I lived my life but I asked my husband and son to give me a blessing the day before. How grateful I am for worthy men in my life!
The time arrived. The technician was compassionate. She explained that the earlier xray had not been clear. The tissue was "wadded up" and she needed a little more detailed look for the radiologist. If the first xray was good, then I wouldn't need the ultrasound.
Burden slightly lighter.
Why didn't they tell me on the phone in the first place? It would have saved some unnecessary worrying....
Xray completed and I shuffle off to wait in a tiny room while the dr. looks at the xray. I can go if all is well.
Three minutes later, the welcome words, "you're good to go! It's all normal tissue."
The air whooses out of my lungs. My burden is lifted.
Listen to your inner voice.
My voice was "uneasy" during the first xray. The technician wasn't as careful as she should have been. My inner voice later assured me that all would be well.
Listen to your inner voice, or by whatever name you may call it....The Holy Spirit, The Holy Ghost, your conscious........
It will guide you. It has guided me many, many, many times......
It is a gift from God.
That inner voice.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
When Life Gives you Basil......
(last photo probably-since it's getting colder, I think this will die out for the winter......)
I poured it over chicken and served it over pasta.
*****Very, very, very important point.
Do not cook pesto.....
I discovered this, much to my dismay.
Bless my patient family, they ate it anyway.
Pesto needs to be tossed with pasta or meat and gently warmed.
You don't want to see the "after" photo.....
But it tasted good....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Piled higher and deeper.
We have something EVERY night this week.
I really hate that.
It stresses me out.
My birthday was wonderful.
Chocolate tuxedo cheesecake slice from Cheesecake Factory.
Roses from my guys.
Lunch with my girls.
Abrazos from my hermanas.
A card in Spanish from my husband. (boy those Latins are passionate---whew--somehow it's not as cool written in English)
My new itouch, which has lightened the load in my purse immensely.
Phone calls and wonderful comments. THANKS!
So now we move forward.
Holiday planning and creating.
Activity attending.
Looking for peaceful moments in the midst of frenzied activities.
True that, you say.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Many, many hours of practice.
Meets in the blazing sun every Thursday.
With some on Saturdays.
So now I'm creating a new photo book to remember the moments.

The fun with friendships.
The thrill of victory.
And the agony of defeat.
She qualified again to compete on the varsity level.
She qualified to compete in the State finals.
She came within 2 seconds of an All-American time in her 50 yd freestyle.
She was 8th in the city in backstroke in her division.
She was 15-20th (sorry don't know exactly) overall in the state in her division.
Great season.
Many goals to achieve in the next year.
Congrats Miss Liss!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You

Many made the ultimate sacrifice.
Our hearts were wrenched this year close to home when one of our own in our ward (local LDS congregation) gave up his life in Alfghanistan two months ago. My heart goes out to his sweet young wife, his little girl, and his beloved parents and brothers. He didn't have to go, he didn't have to be where he was, but because of the kind of man he is, he faced great danger and paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Thank you SO much. May God bless your family and bring them sweet comfort this day.
Happy Anniversary to the Standages!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Of Rocks and all that Stuff

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Messages from the Frozen North
Provo MTC:
On the way to Fairbanks....I THINK this is Mt. McKinley from the airplane (highest point in North America):
His trainer.....
Cold pictures:
It looks like he has enough clothing....
And finally for your viewing pleasure....(if you can stand it).... a video. Two minutes of snow. Which, if you are from the desert, is a great novelty.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Mystery Question of the Day
Not my lunch.
It's my secret to growing carrots.
It's the little carrot sprouts I thinned yesterday morning. Please have a moment of silence for these little guys....................
I figured out that in order to have carrots, there has to be space for them to grow, and in order to have space, well, unfortunately some of them have to be sacrificed. I guess I could plant one seed at a time 2-3 inches apart, but I'm not organized like that. I usually wait for the sprouts to get large enough to grab easily and I pick the ones that get to stay based on their growth and sturdiness of the plant.
It's also the secret to growing beets, thinning that is. Except this is my beet patch:
Mostly dirt, no plants. Any gardeners out there reading this? I'm having a tough time getting beet seeds to sprout. Any suggestions out there??? Is it because I'm the only one in the family that likes beets? Revenge of the Beet Seeds?? Bad seeds? Anyone????
But on a happier note-my cilantro is finally sprouting!!! Hooray. I can't live without cilantro in my fridge.. It has been a tough one to sprout too. Any suggestions out there in blog land?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Memory Keeping-Another Obsession