Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Waiting Begins!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Nasty Critters!

All over my cucumber and squash plants. They were just thick everywhere!
I'm heartsick.
I had to use an insecticide as it was SO bad I don't know if I can even save the plants..........Cross your fingers. I'm so sad that I had to use a chemical in my garden, but I don't know if even that will help.....
Nice welcome home....huh......
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Proof Positive
Place: Fiesta del dia de los padres
Tall white girl
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Good Read
"I Dare You To Eat It"
By Liesa Card
Here's a quote:
"........Testimonies aren't cheap. They come to us only after consistent obedience. A testimony of food storage is similar. We learn in the doing." ".......And yet, growing up surrounded by good examples and having the opportunity to eat from my parent's food storage, I didn't actually come to my own testimony of it as being vital and founded on the principle of love until after I had taken my own steps to be obedient."
I absolutely loved the philosophy in her book. She is a "regular" person. In fact, she is an interior designer. She's not a "granola" type or a "survivalist" type. She outlines the reasoning, or the doctrine behind doing your food storage and then gives practical ideas on how to do it. I think it is a must-have in your food storage library. She even has a web site:
Go get it.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Bon Voyage
I was there once. I think.
When I was small.
TL has meetings all day for two days.
So I'm footloose and fancy free.
So what's there to do in Denver?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Friday Flashback-Clothing Optional

Making a dog pile.....

coloring Easter eggs.....

or even waiting for family prayer.....
It doesn't matter the season, the time of day, or even in the case of when they are really little, whether the place is public or not.
The clothes were always off.
Fortunately as they have gotten older, they have gotten more modest.
Thank heavens.
Unlike some of the rest of the world.
Where clothing still may remain optional.
(I've chosen not to post a picture to illustrate my point-you're welcome)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Jess-I have an Idea for Your Baby's Room!
A grandma's work is never done!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Something's Going on in the Cucumber Patch!
Sheesh-the things kids do when mother is not looking!
And I just turn my back for a minute....
And the grapes ripen! (these are actually very small-macro lenses rock!)
And these guys just snuck up on me
Turning yellow overnight!
And you never know what might be hiding in the melon patch...
P.S. I planted some pumpkins a couple of days ago-cross your fingers!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Random Food Thoughts

When life gives you brown bananas,

Make Banana Bread (yummy recipe follows)

Lime + watermelon = Delish!
This oatmeal is yummy.....
Buy at Costco immediately.
Promised recipe:
Sour Cream Banana Bread (the activity of Sat. afternoon)
1 1/2 c sugar
3/4 c. butter
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
1 c. sour cream (i've actually used plain nonfat yogurt-equally delish)
1/2 c. chopped nuts (opt)
2 large BROWN bananas
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
2 1/2 c. flour
Cream butter and sugar; add eggs and vanilla. Add smashed bananas. Mix dry ingredients. Add dry ingredients alternately with sour cream. Stir in nuts. Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hr (mas o menos) Makes two bread pans.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Pardon Me While I Crash & Burn
So I'm just going to crash and burn for a day or two.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A New Era Has Begun

I ask for your faith and prayers.
That I might be patient and kind.
And safe.
And that my gray hairs may not multiply too much.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Gardening Updates-The Last and The First
The last of the carrots. {sigh} Carrots take a loooong time to grow but I needed the space for the melons to stretch out. Time to rinse off the sign and put it away....Bye carrots, I'll see you next fall! These are going to be sacrified this week to my Alabama Soup recipe and chicken pot pie.
The first of the potatoes! One of the plants had shriveled up and died, so being the impatient sort, I dug around and fished these guys out. They are a tad small. {dontcha think?} I think I'm going to try a different method of growing potatoes next year......I'm thinkin'. I'll let you know when I decide.....
The first ripe grape cluster!!! I just polished it off and it was mighty good! The grapes are very small but they taste nice and fresh and sweet.
Some things are good in the garden, some not so good. I have seen a few green critters munching away on my plants so every morning it's search and destroy time.....
My cucumbers STILL aren't producing the right flowers.......i.e. we need male and female flowers to make baby cucumbers.....So I have been meddling about, mixing the male armenian cucumber pollen with the sweet burpless may be interesting to see what we come up with! Burpless armenian sweets?????
The strawberries really haven't taken off like I had hoped. I have a few berries here and there, but not the basketfulls I want.
Many of you asked in the earlier corn post if I had grown the corn I froze. No. I'm going to be mighty lucky to get a half dozen ears from my little patch.
So there you have it....the realities of my garden life, the successes and the failures. Thank heavens there's always a new season coming up to try again!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Tuesday's Tip-A Harvest of a Different Sort
He has worn the bottoms off his shoes......Awwww. What a guy!
Monday, June 8, 2009
There's Carn in them Thar Hills!
After the corn is shucked and washed, I cut it off the cob. An old bundt pan works perfectly for holding the corn steady while my electric knife easily slices off the corn kernels.
It takes a lot of concentration not to slice off a finger while doing this, hence the mouth position.There's a camera hog in every situation.
After the corn is cut off the cob, it needs to be blanched, or dunked in hot water. Basically what I do is steam the kernels for about 3 minutes.....
Then plunge the container in ice water to cool it quickly.
Then I bag up the corn in ziplock bags and pop it into the freezer.
I don't know if this is the Better Homes and Garden method of doing this, but it's easy for me to do. I know you can freeze it on the cob, but this takes less of my precious freezer space. I did 3 doz ears today. I got about 25 cups of corn, which divided by my cost is about 57 cents per cup. I don't think this is more economical than a can of corn but boy howdy, it tastes way better!
Now I only need to do about 20 dozen more.......
P.S. I love the way that people from Cache Valley, Utah say corn...carn, ward, narth...etc.etc.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
So Help Me....I'm Trying to Have Patience...
No school.
No jobs.
Having to ask them 5 times to do something for me, and then they get annoyed and wonder why I'm nagging them!
Sleeping in until 10 am.
Except for the one who has to get up at 5 am to get to swim practice (she gets herself up)
But then I'm awake until 1 am the night before waiting for the oldest kid to get home.
And it's only June 4th.
Don't tell me to ground them. More than half of them are legal adults.
These guys are good kids, really........I'm telling myself this 100 times a day....
But then I see this:
Or this:
Or this:
Gosh, dang-it, how can you get mad at that cute face?
And Steve just got accepted to BYU for the summer.
So what's a mother to do?