The Blog Fodder file is pretty empty right now. So what should I blog about?
Did I mention that filling out (i.e. nagging son to fill out) the Eagle applicant forms are a real pain?

Did I tell you how excited I am that my grape vines are producing leaves?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she is always talking about her garden.
Did I report that the new topic in Spanish is Los Deportes? (sports)
Oh-another repetitive topic.
Did I share how much I love this photo of Elder Steve so I scrapbooked it last night?
Oh yeah, yesterday...{yawn}
Did I tell you that I am spending the morning baking these? Can eat nary a bite-they are for a friend's daughter's wedding reception (is that punctuated correctly?)
Oh- you poor thing..............
Did I mention the lovely visit we had this morning at 12 AM with the local police department? (regarding son's recent assault at local high school-said son had another minor run in with assaultor--advised to call police-they show up at 12 AM-we are barely awake)

Aw, this is just thrown in for a little sensationalism
That's my life.......lots of boring repetition with a little sensationalism thrown in.
Well...I REALLY liked it all! :)
You have alot going on for a woman with nothing to blog about.
I love this challenge to describe your life in six words.
Your vines look great! What kind are they? My favorite fall tradition is canning grape juice- I really am a nerd, huh?
grapes, sons, cops & brownies? ....well now that is a spectacular (& sensational)life. you have much to blog about.
and I wished we lived closer so we could be scrap buddies.
Woah, never a dull moment at your place! Your plate is full!
12am??? Good grief! That is crazy!!!
What are you and the family doing this summer...any fun plans?
Your life is like mine.
just so full of life. LOL
Filling out forms of any kind is a pain.
Congratulations on your garden.
You have to bake brownies, and CAN'T EAT ANY OF THEM?
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