What is the reason behind the joy on her face? It's because she finally went down and got properly fitted and purchased a new bra! She got sick and tired of the old girls sloshing around in their old container and just went and did it! She feels so uplifted and perky and happy....and she even went down a band size......
I totally know what she feels like. I have done the measuring bit with a "bra proffessional" (or whatever they are called). Having a new bra or two brings a little joy into a women's world!
Men just don't understand what we go through, do they?
He he..I seem to have a hard time finding a good bra. All I know is with each child, I get smaller and smaller.....one more baby and I won't even need a bra---problem solved! :-)
Ugh, I sooooooooooo need this! Its on my birthday list. (Ally-me too!)
I agree with Kristie - being measured and fit for a new bra is wonderful!
It just makes you feel like a new woman :)
I can't even relate! I don't have much of a chest, and my bras never really fit...I'll just grin and PRETEND I have a new fitted bra! :)
HA HA!! Its so true. It's also so fun to realize you've been wearing the wrong size your whole life. Oops.
this post cracks me up. probably because that really is why she is most likely smiling:) also, am feeling your pain trying to get the 18 yr old through the Eagle. My 14 year old is mentally done with POW WOWs, merit badges, and wearing his way too small scout shirt. He does like the campouts still thank goodness.
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