My yearly assignment for the extended family Christmas Party, layered bean dip. It has layers of refried beans, hamburger, salsa, onions, tomatoes, sour cream and guacamole. Wanna know the secret????????
Well, this year I am focusing on frugality and food storage so I decided to make my dip this year with mostly food storage ingredients, as far as possible. I used:
First I smooshed up the home canned beans in my food processor and spread them on the pan, then I took my home canned hamburger meat and heated it up a bit on the stove, then sprinkled it on top, then I put cannery salsa on top of that and some cheese I had frozen in my 3 month supply, then I cooked it in the oven for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees, then I topped it with green onions from my garden.....the tomatoes, sour cream and guacamole were purchased. (I figured I shouldn't go too far with my powdered sour cream.....ha)
This year I plan on sharing more ideas, successes/failures on our quest to be more frugal and work on and USE our food storage in real life ways. Happy New Year!