How come I chose Spanish?
Well, it all started long, long ago when TL used to whisper Spanish songs in my ears. In those days, I was all starry eyed and thought it was wonderful.
These days I roll my eyes.
Then 3 years later with two young children in tow-
We headed off to visit the mission.
We spent 3-4 days in Mexico City (not the mission-with friends)
Then 3-4 days in Tapachula (right next to Guatemala)
Then we got stuck in a hurricane for 3 days in a little town called Tuxtla Gutierrez.
Then we went to Merida and Campeche.
It was glorious and I was hooked.
On the food, the people, the language.
Ever since I have had an intense desire to learn Spanish.
But life intervenes, 5 more kids, a business that kept me busy for 8-10 hours a day for 13 years.
Then came the call.
TL was going to be in the branch presidency of a newly formed Spanish branch.
So I volunteered to lead the music.
It would be easy-I thought....
(ha-kinda like patting-your-head-and-rubbing-your-stomach-at-the-same-time-easy)Fast forward, 13 Spanish credits later and almost 4 years of beating time to the hymns.
I'm even more in love with the language and the people.
Then came the call last week.
Who knows where it will lead?
All I know is that I was so happy when last Sunday someone said to me (in Spanish) that " even though I am white, in my body there was blood of a Hispanic."
And that's why I chose Spanish.