"I'm Pregnant!"
Sadly, it was not to be.
It has been so hard to watch her suffer through the loss of this pregnancy. It happened to me years ago and it's awful to watch a child suffer through the same thing-a couple of my other girls had the same experience. She wrote about it beautifully in her blog, quoting a scripture,
D&C 58:3 "Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation."
It's hard for a mother to watch her children suffer pain and distress. It's almost more than I can bear. Somehow it's easier to suffer my own pain and distress than to watch my kids suffer..
Oh God, how didst thou watch thy Only Begotten Son suffer and die for me?
I am so sorry.... miscarriages are so terribly hard. My thoughts are with you BOTH.
Thanks for your thoughts, prays and help mom. You had more for me than you know. I love you so much!
Sweet Jess! It's so hard to lose a baby, but it makes us appreciate life so much more. I pray that this will be only a moment and that happy news will be on the horizon soon. Until then we will send love and thoughts and prayers her way!
You might want consider getting knee pads...I don't think it's
going to let up....always someone or something to pray about or for. :-)
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