Monday, January 12, 2009

My New Garden Friend

Saturday I was digging around in the garden box, replacing a few plants and lo and behold I saw this:

(my husband thought I was a little goofy taking a pic of a worm-but oh well)

I shouted for joy! Because my friends, THIS is an earthworm! Earthworms are our friends in the garden. I was so happy to see my little wriggly friend in the dirt because that means my soil is getting better and because......earthworms make other little earthworms....and earthworms eat stuff in the soil and when they eat....earthworms make earthworm poop....and earthworm poopies are GREAT soil enrichers.

So don't run screaming next time you see an earthworm in your garden...BE HAPPY! You have good soil that is just going to get better......

P.S. Stay tuned for a food storage tutorial. I hope to have it up in the next day or so, but I'm feeling like I'm getting sick and I need to drown my sorrows in gallons of echinacea tea........


Kassi Jane said...

i am getting ready to start a garden for the spring and i am so excited! can t wait to here about food storage

linda crandall said...

Guess our ground is good...we have tons of earth worms! Every time it rains they are all over our drive way...gets hard to walk :)

Lisa said...

That is great news!! Congratulations!!!
Sorry your getting sick, I hope you can get rid of it before it gets bad.

Patrice said...

Oh how fun! I'll send Rhett over to play with him.

Here is a sure way to feel better FAST. Run a tub of water as hot as you can stand it. Put in 2 lbs. of Epsom Salts (1/2 box). Soak for 30 minutes. Drink TONS of water because you will be sweating out the bad stuff.

Repeat daily.

Good luck!

Momza said...

My first thought was "Where does she live that she is seeing earthworms?! We have 6 inches of snow this morning here!
I love spring. We have another 4 months of winter left though. So enjoy your garden worms and I hope they poop a ton!

Lori said...

Great to know that about earthworms! Happy that your soil is gettting better, hip hip hurrah!