Women feel guilty about EVERYTHING.
I feel guilty when my kids have cavities at the dental visits.
I feel guilty when I don’t accomplish everything on my list, even though I have already done about 700 things that day.
I feel guilty when I don’t serve nutritious meals to my family.
I feel guilty when I have to say no to something, and sometimes I will say yes at the expense of personal time or other responsibilities, and then be really annoyed about it.
I feel guilty when I take some personal time.
I feel guilty when I haven’t visited all the ladies that I felt I needed to visit in one week-even though I already visited 3 that week.
I feel guilty when my cleaning ladies come and my house is a disaster.
I feel guilty that I have cleaning ladies.
Frankly I’m sick of feeling guilty.
I am taking a vow to try to get off the guilt train.
And figure out what is appropriate guilt.
And what is just negative behavior that I need to change.
Any ideas out there???