Dark clouds, heavy air, it must mean.......................
The Monsoon has arrived----Moisture from Mexico.
Monsoon means muggy air, afternoon cloud build ups, lightening storms, power outages, rain....?? maybe, maybe not-from Julyish to Septemberish. And the dreaded dust storms......A weather reporter a few years ago started calling them haboobs.....giant clouds of dust that roll over the valley-from a phrase in the Middle East. (Personally I just think he liked saying haboob.....) Being in a haboob is not too funny if you are traveling 75 MPH on the freeway and your visability drops to zero in 5 seconds flat.....So folks...
Let the Monsoon begin...
*****Edited- It RAINED!
I do not miss the monsoons at all...it is always muggy!
oh yes my game animals and I am loved this rain. It looked like some parts of the valley got more then others. I will be humid now tomorrow. I am happy my hubby is back from Prescott after two days of work there, but, it was cooler.
take care
hmmmm..i didn't know that we had monsoons in TN...i have gone through that kind of visibility before.
You don't know rain/thunderstorms until you've experienced them in Mississippi.
I love nights like tonight, bring on the monsoons!
I LOVE the word HABOOB...it always makes me laugh! :D
We didn't get it here :-(!!! I love the Monsoon, nice to have a few degrees cooler.
so one of my favorite phrases is "we need to prepare for the up incoming monsoon months" - taken from Airplane. I often use it out of context but I am happy to see that its a real thing. well thats if everyone keeps safe
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