I just finished this top although I am basically pleased with the end result, there are lots of triangles and they are HARD to get straight. I have another quilt top in the wings which I am super excited to get going on this week.....
As I was sewing away the other day, my thoughts waxed philosophical......How is this quilt like life???? Well, some really smart designer(way smarter than me) planned out this quilt pattern so that the end result would be pleasing and beautiful. There were measurements provided and instructions given. Several times during the process as I was reading the instructions I would think....what???? this doesn't make sense......especially if I tried to read ahead......
But if I slowly and carefully read the instructions, went step by step, didn't look ahead and get stressed, well, I was able to figure it all out and I'm pleased with the results. There are a few mistakes fer sure......like measuring and cutting wrong but for the most part, it is a pleasing result.
So how is this like life?
Someone way smarter and wiser than me gave me a Set of Instructions for life. He planned out the Design so that the end result would be pleasing. There are Measurements and Instructions given, and if I follow them carefully I will be happy with the finished product. If I find myself jumping ahead and trying to do things out of order, I get confused and think.....WHAT?..........But if I carefully read the Instructions and try to follow them Step by Step.....well, I should end up with a result that will be pleasing......Yup, there are a few mistakes (a lot) made along the way....but hopefully if I follow the Plan.......the result will be pleasing!
the end
P.S. my apologies if you think this post is the result of a heat-befuddled brain....things will return to normal somewhere after Oct. 1st.........
P.P.S i'm not planning on being finished with my "life design" just yet!!! =)
What is it about quilt that provokes such introspection. Piecing and patience. Loved this post.
Great lap quilt! I love it!!
and yes...ARIZONA is HOT HOT HOT in the Summer!!! Don't blame ya for Hibernating!!!
eat A Bon Bon for me!! :)
Boy you are always busy doing something creative! The quilt looks cute!
I love analogies...and the quilt looks great!!
A women of many talents! Good job. I tried quilting--I failed. I am celebrating that we are one month down of hot weather, although I'm not going to mention how many more to go.
beee-yoo-ti-full quilt!
and awesome photos you talented, clever girl.
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