This is super exciting and amazing since this awesome young man has struggled with school and learning disabilities from the get-go.....he is excited because he says, "mom, there are lots of hott women at CGCC!" Hey-anything to keep him excited about college......He even got a job working at the college-on his own-he starts Monday! Whoo hoo......
(There is nothing that chaps my hide more than a lazy young adult.....even more than a lazy teenager)
College?!! Is he really that old :)
Good for him getting a job...and typical guy...thinking about the girls first!
Congrat's mom, what a big accomplishment---instilling a good work ethic, to be a hard working contributor to society, that is---WOW! We could use a good doctor in the famiily--just a thought!
the eggs are almost ready. Sorry for the delay. My wonderful hens are now hiding them after the fact I dropped a bunch or you would of had them by now, 1 year ago. Sorry for the egg slacking.
I shall let you know in the next day or so.
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