First let me go on record as saying that this is the most disgusting practice-and defilement of chocolate cake that I have ever heard of!! But-this is a longstanding tradition passed down to the next generation from TL......who knows where it came from before him......

Then you pour a generous amount of milk over it.

Then you slurp up the soggy mess

I'm not so sure about the soggyness of it all but I will take a piece of that cake thank you very much. It looks yummy.! I would rather have the milk in a glass all by itself!
i love how your kids just seem to know they are going to end up on your blog so they cooperate
I think it is tasty. But I don't like milk so I don't drink it unless it is in the soggy cake :)
oh, can I have that recipe??
Yummy, our 11 year old just loves chocolate anything. I was looking at his photos of his last birthday and they were all chocolate cake.
Today was evening prayer service for 2 1/2 hours for one of our 93 year old Priests, tomorrow is the funeral, and Wed is the burial. So, sad as he was a great Priest.
yup, it IS how to eat cake. yummy deliciousness.
Um yeah....that's GROSS!
And if you snuck some fruit and veggies in that cake, you may almost have a perfect 3 parts of the food pyramid.
My brother Dan eats his cake and cookies that way. Only he puts it in a big humungo plastic cup. It's really yummy.
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