Tuesday Time Travel.....go back with me a dozen years.....

It's the first of June and school is out! I am filled with enthusiasm, we have a color coded calendar, meticulously filled with activities for each day. The rules are strict...no TV before noon...do your chores before play....no friends before 9:00 AM...."quiet time" between 12-2**. We have lessons, field trips, library visits....I have goals for updating school scrapbooks, skills my children are going to learn....preparations for summer camps. This summer will be great!!! I am organized and on top of things.
Fast forward 4 weeks......
Most activities are completed for the summer.....the heat is beginning to catch up with me but we are looking forward to our 4th of July escape to the mountains...annual trek to Utah......the kids are sneaking the TV time before noon....the doorbell starts ringing earlier for friends to come and play.....I'm thinking maybe I need to restrict the friends to "one per child" in order to preserve my sanity-but when the extra freckled face little boy shows up to play....I have a hard time saying no.......therefore we end up with at least 17 children running through the house all day (JK-maybe only 10 children)
Fast forward 4 weeks....
All bets are off.....no rules.....TV on all day....The only goal is to make it until school starts...friends running in and out of house all hours of day....."quiet time? what's quiet time?????...children wear as little as possible....sure, eat that popsicle at 8 AM....who cares.......cold cereal becomes a dinner entree on a more frequent basis.....
Fast forward 2 weeks (mas o menos):
First Day of School! ahhhhhhhh........
**For the uninformed: "Quiet time" is a rule I established in order to preserve my sanity and provide extreme torture to my children. Between the hours of 12-2 PM all extraneous children went home, I tried to provide my kids with a nutritious lunch and then it was time to read-and they could watch TV....I did this to have my own "quiet time" and at least allow the baby to take a nap in relative peace...go ahead...ask any of my kids....they HATED it!
I love it!!!! It is so funny how we set ourselves up for crazyness. I love quiet time at our house too. Ours in 1-3pm and the kids spend it in there rooms. I love it! I don't know what I would do without it. Any fun summer plans this year?
All moms have good intentions for an organized summer:) I am one of them!! All of the rules fly out the door the first week of summer. Well, ok there is still the rule that the chores have to be done by 10:00 and they can't play before they are done...but the rest...well we are just flying by the seat of our pants and hope to come in for a landing come school time!!!
ha ha haaaaaaaaa! This has be crackin up! Sounds ALL TOOOOO FAMILIAR!!!
Oh my GOSH, quiet time was the pits!!! Too bad Harry Potter wasn't around in those days! I would have discovered that quiet time was a pretty cool thing! Great job on all you did for us, Mom! I have ALOT of fond memories of summer...by the way, we should go to the library again sometime!
I am right there with you! I have already lost control. Oh well! I am trying to figure out how to get my kids to SLEEP in? I love the idea of quiet time.
Quiet time is the best. I started this with Jacob when he stopped taking naps, and I had Olivia. They still do it now. I let them play together, and they usually get so involved in something, they forget to ask if quiet time is over. It's great, especially now that I am prego and I need a little siesta during the day.
My kids are on year round school so I need to fit that whole schedule into three weeks. (Five times a year)
I get my quiet time by turning on a DVD that I know all four of them will like.
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