I am a reader. I've always been a reader. To curl up on the couch with a good book is just the best! Throughout the phases of my life, it has sometimes been difficult to find time to read but when I do, it has always satisfied an inner craving of my soul. So here's what's on my best seller list these days......

From a favorite author---his recent conference talk was a mini Reader's Digest version of this wonderful book. This is one I purchased and I will be re-reading it again and again.This is on my nightstand now. A World War I story....it's a story of finding love-losing love and then hopefully finding it again---I haven't gotten far enough into it yet-but it is a good read so far.
Speaking of good reads...there is a web site called goodreads.com which I have come across and plan to browse in my spare time....someday. I have a pile of books on my desk that were recommended by people whose blogs I read.....thanks for sharing ladies!
Thanks for some ideas...It would be good to read a book for me!!! I will have to check out the web site too.
I am taking note. I am kind of in the not much time to read phase of life. But soon....
Thanks for the tips. I plan on starting the detective series soon. I have heard so many good things.
I'm on goodreads, although I don't read alot. I have about 7 friends that do it. You can put the goodreads on the blog...kinda cool
I am a member of Goodreads and would love to add you as a friend. Are you on?
i'm going to write those down...some i've read, others i haven't. i love a good book, too! :)
o how i would love to have time to read. my nightstand has a stack i havent got to - lets just say Twilight is still sitting there untouched. also, with you on the summer thing. all my grand plans and then am happy to get in one or two good things. but ambition is good
Hi marilyn,
ok, well I have your 2 dozen again!
I can drop them by sometime as I get up at 6am for now. Just trying to schedule my life around no paper route, sleep deprived brain and selling eggs like crazy.
Oh and that is so sad for the tomatoes unless you grow your own.
My friend Judy grows her own and has over 18 cherry tomatoes and 8 large ones now since she planted them in February.
I will email you when I am ready as I sold $60 dollars worth this year and I have been trying to get yours too you but, with both our lives and sicknesses and life, it was crazy.
I have about 8 more to get and hopefully taht will be tomorrow. For the past few days I have received like 14 per day.
I am going to let you know.
You will just love them.
I am currently reading the Animal, Vegetable, Miracle book. Very intersting. It makes me want a garden. I am taking inspiration from you mom and from the book. I will plant lettuce in the fall in small pots on my balcony. Hopefully they will grow and satisfy my gardening desires.
I just bought that book by Lund! Glad to hear it is good! LOVED LOVED the funny fast forward look through summer.. real vs Fantasy!
Your blog is so cute, I love it! And thank you for the great idea about a monthly book challenge...why I couldn't come up with that on my own, I don't know. So thank you!
I loved, loved, loved Austenland!! I read it twice! Great books like that help me as an aspiring author. Oh, and I JUST finished Fablehaven, Grip of the Shadow Plague. Thank you so much for getting it for me, Mom!! It was fantastic!!!! Can't wait for the next one!
You write very well.
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