Monday, September 29, 2008
Bem-Vindo a Madeira
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sabbath in Lisbon
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Saturday Night in Lisbon
Friday, September 26, 2008
End of Day 2
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Bom dia Lisboa!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Bon Voyage
I've just completed a detailed two page letter of instructions for my family while I am gone, do you think they will read it?
Happy Birthday!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Two Major Annoyances of the Day
2. Dr. G's office didn't bother to tell me that they had found a substitute for me until 5 pm today after I finally called them and asked them if the sacred Dr. G was in the office today-I hadn't received any dictation. I have a nasty feeling they may decide to keep the sub indefinitely when I return. Not a nice thing to think about 2 days before leaving on an extended trip. He'll come crawling back......he did once before!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Friday Flashback or La Cita Primera
This tense is used when speaking of what you used to do, or what you were doing.
(Be patient-I'm getting to the point of my Friday flashback)
One of the questions we had to practice was "que hacias en tu primera cita?" (or something like that-can't remember exactly how to say it.....or in other words, what did you do for your first date?
Now...I am in a class of 20 year olds. They can ramble on for hours recalling the tiniest details of their first I actually couldn't remember the name of the guy!
So here's my Friday flashback point here......

This is me in the olden days. This was actually not my first official guy ask girl date. This was the famous (infamous?) Gold and Green Ball-I had to BEG my parents to let me go on a very large group date because I actually wasn't........ahem........16 yet. (I know I risk the wrath of the as yet not 16 yr old girl child in my household) This is me and Randy prior to the big dance posing with our VERY LARGE youth group.....(watch the hand there buddy!)
This dance created mass hysteria amongst the women folk of the ward, trying to figure out who was going to pair up with who.....taking into account all the romances or ex-romances at the time......planning our dresses.....I actually don't even rememer the dance part-but I vividly remember this part-meeting together in a parent's house in a very large group, getting our flowers awkwardly pinned on-posing for photos.
And I actually do remember my first date......we went on a double date, me, Eddie, (see I remembered the name at about 9 pm later that night!), Linda and Bobby. We went to the
drag races
very romantic.
My partner in Spanish asked me (in Spanish) did you get a kiss?
My response? (I learned a new verb!)
Me hui! (I fled!)
Alright, Already
Boston? Nice-Boston in the fall is awesome, but nope.
Africa??? ha ha ha
Nauvoo?-great place. No
Hawaii?-wrong way-we're going east.
Texas-naw-I don't want to float away
A couple of NYC's-that's nice, we actually are coming close to that area.
Can you guess yet?
Got a clue?
Me either.
It's Lisbon, Portugal
Four days in Lisbon and four days in

Funchal, Madeira Island
I wish I spoke Portuguese!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My [new] Red Suitcase

So why would I post my latest red acquisition? But of course, it's a trip! A week from today we will be winging our way to parts eastward and me kicking and screaming at least half way there.
I came to the startling conclusion recently that I do not like to travel. I like my routine, I like sleeping in my own bed. I like my home. I hate long rides on airplanes and cars. I realized this when reflecting on trips as a child, I would either get sick or be unsettled for a few days prior to the trip. (i apologize mom!)
The following is time line that proceeds as soon as TL announces, "We're going to ........[you fill in the blank]
1. Six months to a year before trip: I am truly excited. I pencil in the dates. "Way cool!" I think. My enthusiasm depends upon how far away the trip is scheduled on the calendar.
2. Two to six months before the trip: I have managed to successfully ignore the fact that I am going on said trip in two to six months. I shove the thought of the trip out of my brain as soon as it touches my consciousness.
3. One month to two weeks before trip: I realize, yes, I have to face going on the trip. I begin to panic, as I realize that I have do schedule work, school, kids, church, appointments, food....etc. etc. I reluctantly begin to make plans.
4. Two weeks to one week before trip: My enthusiasm increases slightly when I purchase a few new clothes for trip, but then wanes when I realize I do have to go on said trip.
5. One week before trip: I panic, realizing I have one week left. I begin to think, "I can't go on this trip! I have x,y,z to do!" or "we can't afford to go on this trip!"
6. Night before trip: I finally pack, usually overpack, worrying that I might need some article of clothing or medicine on trip. I sleep restlessly.
7. Day of trip: We wake up early, I am groggy, pull myself together, stomach churning, to get to airport.
8. We take off: I finally relax a little, realizing that maybe it is okay to enjoy trip-but then realize we have ....... more hours until we get there.
9. Return home: Wow-we had an incredible time-but boy, am I glad to be home!
So just for fun, can you guess where we are going this time???? (No fair guessing immediate family-you already know!)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Just checking in
Trying to keep up with the house, the kids, school, work, church.
Getting ready for my next adventure.
I'll share tomorrow.
Gotta go visiting teaching now.
Signing off.........
Friday, September 12, 2008
Go Team!
(not a photo from the actual meet-the sacred camera is in the shop-miss liss on the right)
We find out later her goggles fell off were dragging around her mouth! So it was really a Michael Phelps finish!
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do you remember where you were seven years ago today? It was one of those memory imbedded moments in life, like remembering where you were when JFK was assassinated, or the Pearl Harbor attacks....(if you are old enough to remember that!)
I remember getting the phone call from TL saying, "turn on the TV!"
I didn't want to, I was busy, I never watch TV in the morning, but I did.
I remember the feeling of shock and horror, watching the towers fall.
I remember keeping that TV on for days and days, anxiously watching every news update.
I remember listening to the words of a strong and decisive President of the United States.
I remember eagerly awaiting the words of comfort and counsel from a Prophet of God.
I remember the eery silence of the skies over my head.
I remember worrying about family and friends who were stranded in far away places, trying to get home.
Today I am:
Remembering those who lost their lives that day and saying a prayer for their families.
Remembering those who have left family and home to help preserve our freedoms and security (thanks Zak!)
Remembering those who fought and paid the ultimate price to keep that freedom.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Crazy, Whacked-Out Goofy Day

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
My Prayers Answered

These garden boxes are truly an answer to a prayer. God really does listen and answer our prayers. Earlier this year I had been studying and learning about gardening on line and heard about Square Foot Gardening. I felt really strongly that I needed to add to my garden boxes, but how to find the money.....we figured it would cost us at least $1000! So I decided to make it a matter of prayer. I prayed that we would have the money come to us that we needed to build these boxes. I had no idea how it was going to happen, I just knew that it was something important that I wanted to do. I just prayed every morning in my prayers for days and days(amongst other stuff) that the way would be opened for us to do this. Well, guess what! About two weeks later we got a notification that we were receiving an "economy stimulus check" in the mail to the tune of about $1500! I had forgotten about it and really didn't think we were going to get one. My garden box money! I really do know that God listens and answers our prayers and the things that are important to us are important to Him also because we are His children and He loves us. We can pray about even the tiniest things-because they are important to us and He will help us accomplish them.
(I think I better pray now for the energy and time to get the garden planted!)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Monday Memory
While discussing Jessica's lack of immunity to chicken pox the other day, I was reflecting on the good ol' days with a house full of little ones and the plague of chicken pox that hit. We had it TWICE. Two waves of it. The first wave....

No photos of the actual "event." You get a good idea of the ages. Then to top it all off, someone brought home head lice from school! (I won't name names) And the little blondie had HEAD LICE and CHICKEN POX at the same time. I was freaking out with the head lice soap, thinking I was going to poison my child with her open sores on her head and she had severe eczema to boot!
but we survived.
Next go round, three kids later, right after the other....chicken pox arrives
This time ages 1, 3 and 5. Oh joy. But they didn't get as sick and we had no head lice.
Remind me to tell you the story about when we had head lice and I was pregnant and terrified to use the "killer shampoo" for fear of damaging my unborn child. Wait.....was this post supposed to be about chicken pox or head lice? (now you know all my dirty little secrets)
Monday Makeover

So I thought, hey let's do a blogger makeover too, courtesy of Allie Brown's Layouts. The seasons are changing.....(we hope) and it's time for a few fall colors.. Sorry, I still have to figure out how to post a button on the blog to give her credit! You likee??
Friday, September 5, 2008
Will the Real White Flour Please Step Forward

Three weeks ago today we found out that TL has about 25 food intolerances-allergies-whatever you want to call them. Because I have certain digestive issues, I decided to go cold turkey along with him and avoid these foods, you can go here to see my tale of woe.
It's been an interesting experience trying to find things to cook. I have been so frustrated because I have looked at literally hundreds of recipes, including some of the old faves, and I have to say, oops, can't eat that, has milk, or oops, can't eat that, has tomatoes, or oops can't eat that, it has eggs, wheat, oregano, chilis, on and on ad nauseum.......
I met up with Chef Brad at of all places, a swim meet and he gave me some great advice. Turns out he is an expert on "grainology" and is a fellow wheat intolerance sufferer...... So we press forward, learning new ways of doing things and here's a photo of my new "white flour:"
A combination of spelt, sorghum and brown rice-throw it in the grinder and voila-white flour.....sort of....
So didja guess which one was the real white flour? Yup, the one on the left...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Can't even Think of a Good Title

You go girl!