This truly has been a bizarro day. I was discussing this fact with Jessica and she said, "Oh, mom, you have to blog about it!" Okay, so I will.
First it starts out with a my first visit to a naturopathic dr. She is a wonderfully awesome person who is concerned for my health and well-being and offers many suggestions for my tale of health woes. (which will not be enumerated here) One of her suggestions to aid in my health and comfort is a nice session of acupuncture. Yes, acupuncture. You know, where needles are stuck in various parts of your body, to help restore "chi." Well, recently on one of the rare occasions I watch Oprah (I like Dr. Oz) he mentioned that acupuncture may help one of my little health complaints.
So I said, "sure, why not!"
She led me into this nice room with lovely serene music playing, where I laid downon a nice comfy bed, with pillows, and a heat lamp to keep my feet warm (awesome, by the way). She proceeds to poke me with at least a dozen little needles and honestly, it wasn't too bad. There was one that really jumped out at me and she said, "oh yes, that's a very strong point for your particular problem." (well, she really didn't say exactly that-but I'm trying to be discreet here about my medical issues) Ooookay. Then she pokes one right in between my eyebrows and says, "okay, relax, I'll see you in 20 minutes."
Now I am really not a person that likes to sit still much. So lying flat, not moving a muscle for 20 minutes with a dozen sharp needles poking into me is verrry difficult. But I began to feel the buzz, relaxed a little and then sort of went with the flow of the serene music, except for that one needle poking in between my eyebrows. It was kind of pinching.......
Later.....she comes in, says "how are you doing?" I'm fine-surprised that 20 minutes have gone by. She asks if any of the needles bothered me. I said, not really, just the one between my eyebrows. "Oh," she says, "that's the one I always put in for relaxation."
Next....I received an email this afternoon that left me gasping with laughter.....It seems that I mentioned a person's name on my blog on April 18, 2008....the first and last name of a person who I had a mad crush on as a young teenager. This email was from this nice person whose kids had apparently googled his name and found him (and probably teased him mercilessly) on my blog. He asked me-Am I That Guy? Who woulda thought? Apparently he doesn't remember me.......severe blow to the pride here.
Note to self: Do not put first and last names of persons in your blog...
So here's to tomorrow, a nice normal not so bizarro day. (I'm not going to mention that I had an oral test in Spanish today, nope, just not going to do it)(or mention the fact that my camera is in the shop and it's going to cost $160 to fix it!)(and I also won't mention that I made an awesome, awesome homemade mushroom soup/sauce that is wheat-free, milk-free, egg free and doesn't have anything in it that you can't pronounce in English!)
Just in case anyone was wonder you also better not mention that I gave you the recipe for the mushroom soup :)
wild day!
yummy I would love the recipe. I love that kind of soup. what did you eat with it? You can't or can have crackers?
I hope you are also saying you crafted the adorable pin cushion on your fifteen minutes of downtime.
Thats funny that the one that bothers you was for RELAXATION!!! Hope this works for you... Great to know about the first and last name thing, kinda funnt though!
MF emailed you!! I can't believe it. Wow! Too too weird. How's he doin, anyway?
So do the needles work? I have heard good things about them...and the story about that guy is too funny!
Ha Ha, that is so funny about the first and last names, I will take your advice. Not so sure about the pins bit though! And I'm always happy to hear about yummy food--yipee!!
i had that done once to my hips it seemed to work but i hate needles and My chiropracter did it to me and i dont think he knew what he was doing so i will have to go to a professional next time!
hehehehehe:) and of course he remembers you. he's just playing it cool
wierd day! So, do the needles actually work. I always wondered about that.
Ha ha! I can't believe that guy e-mailed you cause his KIDS found your blog. That is too hilarious.
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