These garden boxes are truly an answer to a prayer. God really does listen and answer our prayers. Earlier this year I had been studying and learning about gardening on line and heard about Square Foot Gardening. I felt really strongly that I needed to add to my garden boxes, but how to find the money.....we figured it would cost us at least $1000! So I decided to make it a matter of prayer. I prayed that we would have the money come to us that we needed to build these boxes. I had no idea how it was going to happen, I just knew that it was something important that I wanted to do. I just prayed every morning in my prayers for days and days(amongst other stuff) that the way would be opened for us to do this. Well, guess what! About two weeks later we got a notification that we were receiving an "economy stimulus check" in the mail to the tune of about $1500! I had forgotten about it and really didn't think we were going to get one. My garden box money! I really do know that God listens and answers our prayers and the things that are important to us are important to Him also because we are His children and He loves us. We can pray about even the tiniest things-because they are important to us and He will help us accomplish them.
(I think I better pray now for the energy and time to get the garden planted!)
Those look so nice. I love hearing storys like this. Don't know how we'd make it without prayer. Happy gardening.
Yea! Can't wait to see them all in bloom!
Before we moved to cali, I took a class on square foot gardening and it works so well. Such a great yield in small spaces. We rent here and the entire yard is hardscape. I miss my perennials in my yard in SLC. Times and seasons.
I even grew cucumbers on verticle poles. You can grow melons the same way. You use old panty hose as a "stocking brace" when they get heavy. Learned this from a stake gardener. It is functional and the vines look pretty.
I LOVE IT!!! I love how the Lord answers prayers!
Love the NEW look too!
So cool! You are gonna have one heck of a garden!! I can't wait to see all the veggies!
Thanks for the reminder on the answer to prayers!
Those look awesome Marilyn!! I can't wait to see them put to use and what produces out of those boxes!! Congrats!
We are looking into the square foot gardening. Our friends did it this year, and love it. You'll have to share all of your tips that you learn.
They look really nice . . . and you can weed and plant without kneeling down! I need some garden boxes; we built some at the old house and haven't done it at the new.
yea that is so great marilyn. I send you a mesquito fogging email if you want to get your area done. It is non-poisonous. I am bit alive here.
ok, well I trade you some food for our garden food ok?
My blog is down for some reason and it won't let me blog. hum, can't figure out why.
I may change it to a typepad.com as blogspot keeps giving me a hard time.
take care
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