Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Morning After

Well, It happened. It's over. I'm trying to get my tongue around the words President Barack Obama, Prez Obama.

Does anyone out there feel kinda queasy and uneasy?
Yeah, me too.

But then I started thinking about another President and his recent words, "I begin by mentioning one of the most inevitable aspects of our lives here upon this earth, and that is change. At one time or another we've all heard some form of the familiar adage: "Nothing is as constant as change."

I'm kind of feeling comforted and inspired by his words this morning. And here was his advice just a month ago.......

"Brothers and sisters, my sincere prayer is that we may adapt to the changes in our lives, that we may realize what is most important, that we may express our gratitude always and thus find joy in the journey."

And that my friends, are words that we can follow.

(is he a prophet or what????)


Patrice said...

I feel a lot of peace at his words.

Pancake said...

Pres Monson can offer peace in times such as these.... I still cant believe it...

Granny J said...

I was trying to stay positive today but kept slipping into the negative zone. Then I went to Wal-Mart (haven't been in a store since last Thurs.) and they were playing Christmas Music! Put some on at home and fill the lift. It's good to know who's really in charge!

Anonymous said...


Granny J said...

About the foot; talk to Diane, she said you could set up a treatment. Enjoy...hope you're totally grossed out! ;)

linda crandall said...

I feel at peace at his words but...I still can't believe it either!

Pedaling said...

thank you.

Nancy Face said...

Thank you! I needed that reminder!

Unknown said...

Uneasy is an understatement.

I never even thought about the connection between Pres Monson's words and Obama's campaign slogan....interesting.

Suzie said...

Thanks for that reminder of the promises and leadership we have.
Makes this girls heart a little more calm.

Allyson said...

Isn't it great to be a member of this Church. There is always comfort in the Gospel, especially when things around us seem so dismal.

Thank goodness for 201 though!

Da Bergs said...

You have a gift for words! I feel the SAME way but didn't word it quite so nicely!


CoLiE-O said...

i appreciate you sharing those words. weve all heard it, but sometimes it just strikes a chord at different times.