I know, I know. I can see what look on your face. It was the same look my brother-in-law gave me when I told him the same thing and asked him what was in it that made me feel so good. For whatever reason, whenever I eat steamed broccoli, I have lots of energy. The other night for dinner, I included some steamed broccoli with the dinner (which nobody ate but me) and I had so much energy that evening to clean up the kitchen and get things done. I wondered why, then realized I had eaten broccoli for dinner. It has to be steamed broccoli.
2. The Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde nature of my kitchen.
The dichotomy of the food that is contained in my pantry. The corn dogs as opposed to whole grains. The frozen pizza as opposed to organic spinach. I am really in to eating healthfully and feeding my family that way, but let's be real. I have teenagers. They must be fed food that I would cringe at so that they remain happy at home. I admit though, at times they sneak off to Burger King behind my back. (don't think I don't know it kids!)
3. Doesn't it feel grand when you know what you are having for dinner in the morning??
Today it's pulled pork sandwiches in the crock pot. But I admit, there are many frenetic days when I have no idea what to feed everyone and I refuse to go to the nearest McDonalds. My go-to meal is....soft tacos. Brown the hamburger, open a bottle of canned pinto beans, arrange the fixin's and warm the corn tortillas. It's a done deal and everyone's happy-as long as I have taco sauce and cilantro.
So what's your random food musing today, and what's your go-to meal?
It's that little "enye" thingie.
So if you say "ordenyar" instead of ordenar...well.... you get this:
And remember the little breakfast we had on the 4th? Well, I happened to find out about one minute before Sacrament meeting started that we were hosting that little breakfast, just prior to the announcement. I was fine with this except the person making the announcement told everyone to bring their things to swim in our pool.
Except he used the word:
Now in my world, that word means-to bathe.This morning's harvest. Jalapenos anyone?
**Wondering who is going to fix my undermount sink that seems to be coming detached from the granite.
**We are the party house. The branch sitting in the shade of the garden on the 4th. My kids and grandkids cooling off in the pool on the 4th.
**Taking bits of fabric and making them into baby quilts for Jessica. I'm setting a deadline of Aug. 8th-her shower date. Wish me luck.
**Waiting for the arrival of the mission call-coming this week.
Poor yellow squash...Tomatoes are taking a beating.
Potatoes just laying over and dying...(but that means it's time to harvest-I guess)
The space where the corn used to live, it's now hanging out in the mulch pile.
Poor, pathetic green beans. May you rest in peace. I enjoyed your fruits for awhile.
There is a little life left in the ol' garden patch....
Freshly sprouted pumpkin. I'm anticipating some sweet mini pumpkins by Halloween for the grandkids.Potato harvest. Just over 5 lbs. Not great. But edible. I've decided that it's best to grow potatoes here in the fall.
Corn harvest. At least I produced some ears of corn. They may fit into the palm of my hand, but at least it worked.
My yellow pear tomatoes are keepin' on keepin' on, producing delicious yellow tomatoes every day.
And my poundage total for the month of June:
55.8 pounds!
My poundage count for the year (at least since I've been keeping track the first of March)is:
110.14 pounds!
Safe or out?
Ok, I guess I'm safe.