Saturday, August 8, 2009

Garden Update

The other day I asked a gardening friend, "So how is your garden these days?" She asked me the same thing and in the same breath we both said, "DEAD, and laughed bitterly.

Ahh, such is the month of July/August in the desert Southwest. I spent some time a couple of weeks ago yanking most everything out so that TL can take out his baby rototiller and till up the soil whilst I add nutritious goodies like humate and compost to prepare for the glorious fall season.

So here's a few images from my homegrown backyard.....
A sickly looking pumpkin plant-in need of some TLC if we are going to get pumpkins for Halloween...
An overgrown neglected yellow pear tomato plant, still bravely producing a few tomatoes for our eating pleasure..An insanely overgrown Armenian cucumber plant, which I can't bear to pull out since it is something green to look at; however, it is not producing one smidgeon of cucumbers.

A little red jalapeno pepper, braving its way through the heat; it's probably so spicy hot it will knock our socks off.
But wait, a ray of hope!
The basil seems to have recovered from my massive pruning:
And we got some sunflower seeds! Better harvest them before the birds get to them.
July poundage total...a measly 11.25 lbs, mostly yellow tomatoes and basil.


Allyson said...

Yep, ours completely dead too! We pulled all our ropes and stakes out a couple weeks ago! Hopefully I will have my own this Fall....Can't wait to see if your pumpkins survive!

Patrice said...

We'd better be getting some pesto today! You have me craving it after seeing the basil . . .

Momzoo said...

awwww, at least you are only out of comission 2 months out of the year ;-)

I thought of you today when I was out picking green beans. We had a record low for a high (does that make sense?). We topped out at 70 degrees!!!! You should have made your visit this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Marilyn. Hang on in there, wont be long before it is our season once again!