Trying to qualify for State next week.
She cut 1 second off her times yesterday!
You go girl!
Can you see him there? Way in the back left with his arms raised up?
I can't wait to hear what he says next!
Since I post-dated this-we got some PHOTOS of him from a member early this morning:
Aww, a bunch of returned missionaries all dressed up.Are they having a serious scriptural discussion? A Bible study group?
Bearing testimony?
It's draft night for the Martha Stewart League of the Fantasy Basketball season.
And here is the commissioner of the Martha Stewart Fantasy Basketball League congratulating somebody for something. (??????)There's always a lot of serious negotiation going on during the draft.
A job well done.
People, these men are the future wives of your daughters and fathers of your grandchildren.
I have no words.
But I do laugh alot.
Round II: This is my theory here, or at least what I've been told. When planting, you don't just do it all at once, or then you'll have a harvest all at once. Three weeks ago (or thereabouts), I planted Round I and so yesterday I started Round II-with a few deviations:
This year I'm giving celery a shot. We'll see what happens. The lady said to keep it wet.
Widdle plants and dirt. Underneath the dirt is seeds!
Round II, here we go!