This is us at the height of my matriarchal madness, about 13 years ago. Not too long after I had given birth to child #5, my husband said, "you know, I had a dream that we had seven kids." WHAT? you're nuts......but I guess dreams do come true....When the oldest was 16, #7 arrived on the scene.
So left to right, meet, me, matriarchal madwoman, Sopresa (Spanish for surprise), Hero, Giddyup, M.A. (Madwoman apprentice-she now has 3 of her own), TL. Next row 1st little boy: Bubba, Elder and Arwen. These are all blog names to protect the innocent (and maybe not so innocent). Sopresa is given her name because when she arrived-Dad annouced to the kids that the baby was a girl and her name was Sopresa. Hero is given her name because she likes it (maybe from Much Ado about Nothing??). Boy #1, Giddyup because he says that ALL THE TIME, Bubba, given the name because we actually call him that sometimes, Elder because he is now serving his mission in Nashville TN, Spanish speaking, Arwen was given that nickname because she looks like the character in the Lord of the Rings movie. M.A. well, that's pretty obvious, or maybe MIT (Madwoman in training??)
I give full credit to Hero-the master of alliteration-in helping me name my blog. (I promised I would give her credit) She is an aspiring author....
So guys, if you hate your blogger names, let me know-we'll come up with a new one!
Love you guys!
P.S. Obviously I am thankful for every single one of them!
PPS. It's CLOUDY TODAY. Break out the long johns and hot chocolate!
I love the nicknames! You are honestly the cutest lil/{big} fam evva!
This reminds me of my journals in junior high. I would give all my crushes code names so if my family read it, they wouldn't know who I liked. (:
Hi there you "Madwoman" you!
I just saw Lou's blog site. I guess I need to do something like that...some day...
love you
haha this is arwen...mom you have too much time on your hands!!
ha ha mom, this is arwen...you have too much time on your hands!!
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