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Survival of the Fittest or the Art of Self-Preservation
I recently saw this note atop a large container of homemade cookies. I love the added touch of the heart after the vicious, threatening note! (Alyssa makes FABULOUS chocolate chip cookies) It got me thinking about the dynamics of large familes. I have found food stashed in odd places throughout the years and threatening notes attached to food in the refrigerator...."TOUCH THIS AND YOU DIE"...... Do other families have this issue or is this just a common syndrome in large families? I used to wonder why my daughter, Arwen, had so many cavities when she took such good care of her teeth, and then I found out she had a large, secret stash of candy hidden away in her bedroom. I have found cans of Spagettios and meatballs in underwear drawers, cookies under beds, etc. etc. Does this happen only in families with large, ravenous teenage boys?????? I mean, it's not like we are poor or anything-there is always plenty of food... Is it sort of like a law of the family jungle??? Could it be something that Dr. Phil could address???? Naaaw......
Um, this sounds VERY familiar to me!
Behind the eggs on the short shelf is always a great place to hide things.
Lookin' forward to Simplicity...and no prob about being know the drill sister.
LOL! Sounds like my house...tons of food yet we hide and leave notes. too funny! Her classmates in Seminary were very fortunate that she not only made them cookies, but she saved them from being eaten by family members.
When our DD was 2 I noticed that a few hours after I went shopping, and put the food away, it would dissapear from the pantry. I was sure I was going crazy until I found the stash of food under my daughter's bed. It looked like she had been saving up for weeks! I guess that's where she was storing her 2 year supply.
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