Tuesday, November 27, 2007

My Mom is Cool

My mom is really cool. Yesterday I was talking to her on the phone and this is the conversation:
Mom: I have been dropping enough hints that I think I am going to get what I want for Christmas.
Me: What is that?
Mom: I want a laptop.
My mom will be 81 years old in a month. Now how cool is that? She is dying for a laptop at age 81!
On my birthday video this is what she said:
"I am supposed to tell something about my 50 year old daughter, but it's impossible for me to have a 50 year old daughter because I am only 29!
Now how cool is that?
My mom is writing her life story on the computer. She doesn't have a lot of photos to put in there so she is illustrating it from images she has downloaded from Google.
Now how cool is that?
She has excellent taste in clothes and jewelry. My kids all think that Grandma N. is the coolest.
Mom, I hope I have inherited your coolness and that my grandkids will think I am cool when I am nearly 81!


Jolene George said...

Now she totally sounds like the COOLEST! What a treasure her life story will be. :o)

Jillybean said...

That is SO cool! We have been trying to get my mom to get a computer for the longest time. Her neighbor told her not to get one because they are too confusing. I told her just because her neighbor isn't very bright, it doesn't mean she shouldn't get a computer.