Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Moment of Silence.....

We are in Deep Mourning today......Alas, our home team, ASU has broken its string of undeafetedness and lost last night to Oregon. So out of respect to the fans, please pause for a moment of silence..............................................................................................................................................................

Last night my house was full of testosterone as the ASU fans high fived, shouted, cheered, cursed....(not really)....and finally a glum silence descending..... I did manage to watch some of the game but I was kind of afraid of being hit by random flying objects and hurting my hearing as the decibel level rose to above the safety limit..... I retreated to the safety of my office and computer but could tell the progress of the game without even watching by the noise level and the comments being made.
So fans, gird up your loins, fresh courage take, next week UCLA....
Lousy photo-I know-but it helps to preserve the anonimity of the fans and demonstrate the emotion-hence the blurriness

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