Friday, February 29, 2008
The Gift of Today

Thursday, February 28, 2008
Random Images
My cup runneth over with peas.......and
Lettuce. (I know, I know, I keep droning on about my garden but I am so happy with the fact that I haven't bought lettuce since OCTOBER last year-but I think it's days are numbered-the heat is coming.......!)

Go check out Pioneer Woman Cooks....yummmmmmWho stole my ipod earphones????? C'mon, fess up!
And...tune in tomorrow for a challenge.........!!???
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Family Reunions
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Scenes from an Eagle Project
Two adorable little boy scouts doing their service.
Giving a speech about his project to the eager audience
That's right-sign your name-we need EVERY hour we can get!
Eagle project-done.
Paperwork completed?-yet another battle.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Madwoman's Cleaning Tips of the Day

Then they got the genius idea of mopping the floor in their socks. We have a house FULL of tile so it was really fun to get wet socks on and slip and slide all over the tile floor. The floor probably didn't get very clean but they had fun doing it. Fortunately we suffered no broken bones or sprains during this adventure. Recently while surfing the web, I came across this:

These are microfiber cleaning slippers. Sheesh-we had this idea years ago-just didn't have the microfiber addition......They even come in cute colors.....
Tip #2: We live in an area with very hard water (who doesn't these days?) and my mom told me about this stuff and it ROCKS!
Now don't you feel ready to tackle the weekend chores? Are you motivated and ready to go?
(say yes)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Eaten your MUFAs today?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Spud Alert
Roller Coaster Ride
Terrifying drops,
Crazy twists and turns,
Yep, that pretty much describes....

My hormonal life......How come we women, starting at about the age of 9-13 get to experience these crazy ups and downs? Don't we have enough to deal with as it is?
I woke up this morning with a list of symptoms:
Achy head
Achy body
Achy bosom
Achy joints
Twinges of achiness in my gut
Achy life
I then looked at the calendar and groaned.......
I have had a short reprieve from these PMS-ish symptoms for about a year considering the fact that I have been:
Exercising on a regular basis
Eating healthy foods
Cutting back on sugar
Drinking plenty of water
So what's up with this? I was beginning to think I was nearing the end of this roller coaster ride of hormones since I just turned f-f-f-fifty.....but noooooooo. Maybe I will just reconsider my granolish ways.....
Will women get extra compensation in the next life for enduring hormones?
Illustration of a man's hormonal life......

'Nuf said.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008
Signs of a Granola

Friday, February 15, 2008
Out of the Mouth of Babes
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sex Education and Scripture Study

Do they get anything out of this????
Now to tie these two topics together: A number of years ago, when our oldest was about 7-8 years old, we were dutifully having our morning devotional when our oldest daughter said out of the blue...
What's adultery?
Dad stops in mid sentence
I stop chewing my breakfast.
At least 8 pairs of little eyes look at me.
"Well, (I clear my throat) that's a very good question Jenny (she was known as Jenny then). Why don't we talk about it later."
In the mad rush of the morning I forget about the question in the midst of dressing and feeding little children, cleaning up messes, etc. etc. I was in the kitchen and this little person, with her hands on her hips, stomping her foot and shouting at the top of her lungs...
"MOM, what's adultery!?"
So I hustle her off to the other room where we have a nice discussion about what adultery is and the introduction of the birds and the bees.........
See what faithful scripture study can do for your family?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Scrambled Eggs

Monday, February 11, 2008

1. Care successfully for a hive of bees for one season and know their habits.
2. Give the distinguishing characteristics of 6 varieties of hen and cattle and tell the good and weak points of each.
3. Exterminate the mosquitos over an area of 1/2 mile square by pouring a little kerosene on the surface of all standing pools of water twice each month during April, May or June. Six girls may do this and each receive an award, or one girl can receive six awards.
4. Make two articles of underwear by hand.
5. Cover 25 miles on snowshoes in any six days.
6. Learn to float in Great Salt Lake and propel yourself 50 feet.
7. During three consecutive days abstain from candy, ice cream, commercially manufactured beverages and and chewing gum.
8. For one month masticate your food so thoroughly that it slips down without any visible effort at swallowing it.
9. Successfully put a new washer on a faucet.
10. Care for at least two kerosene lamps a day.
11. For three months take care of milk and cream from at least one cow and see that the pails, pans, strainer, and separator are thoroughly cleansed.
12. During two weeks keep the house free from flies or destroy at least 25 flies daily.
13. Have your toilet moved to an isolated place in the garden. Have a frame of chicken wire built about three feet away and plant quick growing vines such as cucumber or morning glories to screen it from observation.
14. Whitewash your toilet inside and out.
15. Know and describe three cries of a baby.
16. Without help or advice care for and harness a team at least five times; drive fifty miles during one season.
17. During 2 summer months clean ice chest thoroughly twice a week.
18. Discover ten reasons why the Columbine should be made the national flower.
19. Clear sage brush, etc. off of one-half acre of land.
20. Know 6 blazes used by Indians.
2008: I present ten requirements for today's Beehives:
1. Wash articles of underwear on a regular basis.
2. Abstain from candy, ice ream, commercially manufactured beverages and chewing gum for at least three consecutive hours.
3. Turn off lights in room after leaving it.
4. Learn to skillfully hide articles of clothing, trash and other items from mother in bedroom so that it seems to be clean.
5. Discover ten reasons why you need a cell phone, i-pod, new dress, etc. etc.
6. Masticate food while keeping mouth closed.
7. Put milk back in fridge after using it.
8. During the summer months thoroughly clean bathroom at least twice.
9. Learn to drive vehicle without hitting any standing or moving objects, at least five miles without causing a parent to scream.
10. Clear family room of articles of clothing, dirty dishes, shoes and backpacks.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Can't Sleep
Thursday, February 7, 2008
New & Improved

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Worried Mom

I can't deny it.
I admit I am worried and nervous.
My son is in the middle of some of those red dots.
I can't call him...
I'm pretty sure he is okay...just got an email from a member who lives in the area who assures me all is well.
But today's weather may be a repeat of yesterday's.
So no news is good news, right?
I'll be okay.........