Friday, February 22, 2008

Madwoman's Cleaning Tips of the Day

Ahh, It's Friday and of course our thoughts naturally turn to the time honored weekend tradition the house........ Years ago when I had a house full of teenagers and younger agers, we tried all sorts of tricks to get them to be excited about our Saturday morning cleanfest. Chore charts, picking the chore game... One of them was to let them play really loud music, the genre of their choice, usually rock....and then have them go at it. There's something about the loud thump of the drums and bass that got them going. I am sure people driving by our home every Saturday wondered why it thumped and rattled! (remember Chikitita from Abba, guys??)

Then they got the genius idea of mopping the floor in their socks. We have a house FULL of tile so it was really fun to get wet socks on and slip and slide all over the tile floor. The floor probably didn't get very clean but they had fun doing it. Fortunately we suffered no broken bones or sprains during this adventure. Recently while surfing the web, I came across this:

These are microfiber cleaning slippers. Sheesh-we had this idea years ago-just didn't have the microfiber addition......They even come in cute colors.....

Tip #2: We live in an area with very hard water (who doesn't these days?) and my mom told me about this stuff and it ROCKS!

We have no more unsightly water spots on our dishes and it keeps the dishwasher sparkling clean. The only disadvantage is that I have never seen it anywhere but Walmart so you have to gird up your loins and head over to Wally World to get it......

Now don't you feel ready to tackle the weekend chores? Are you motivated and ready to go?
(say yes)


Pedaling said...

yes, i agree, the loud rock music is the best to get me going on the housecleaning!

those mop shoe things are the best - cool find-i gotta have them -they'd make the perfect white elephant gift, don't ya think?

Jolene George said...

I am totally loving your tips. I remember growing up and my mom making it fun to clean. Music was a must. With my own boys we have tried everything under the sun. As you know they get bored so you have to change it up every so often. I'm love the idea of moping with your!

Allyson said...

You almost convinced me to clean. Fun Pics of the kids. And I like your find something that cleans shower doors--that really works, and I will jump for joy!

Amy said...

Why didn't they have those cool shoes when we had to mop the floor? Thanks for putting up with our crazy sock mopping, Mom!

Jessica said...

I am so embarrassed! That is a terrible picture of me!!

Ok, so I will admit that I can still be caught in my house cleaning with very loud music on. My neighbors probably hate it! But, hey who can resist dusting the shelves with Madonna or ABBA in the background! Atleast I get a good workout from all the dancing around I do!

The Duncan Proect said...

Cleaning floors are my least favorite. If they could invent vacuum shoes it would change my life forever.

Mari said...

At least now we can get the cleaning music through an ipod and not disturb our neighbors anymore!

jen said...

Hey, I just blared the music while I was cleaning this morning...must have stuck. :)