And this:
in the mixture...........mwuaahhhaaa haaaa haaa haaaaaa (insert evil laugh)
They loved it!
The music was wonderful...Eliza Doolittle had a fabulous voice...Alfie Doolittle stole the show-along with Freddy........Thanks girls-it was an awesome evening.
Some interesting behind the scenes facts about last night:
*The thermometer in my car registered 115 degrees when we returned to the parking garage at 10:30 pm. You will be relieved to know that as soon as we exited the parking garage-the thermometer dropped to 103 degrees....AT 10:30 PM!!!! (We asked ourselves numerous times again, why do we live here??)
* My shock and horror when the waitress discussed the alcoholic drinks available with my 14-year old daughter!!! I promptly told her she was underage and we don't drink anyway.
* Imagine the sight of 5 grown women-plus one half-grown woman running as fast as our heels would let us through the halls at Gammage because the show had started.
* I am trying to repent of the desire to smack the 400 pound man in front of me who was looking at his playbill right in my line of vision the whole 2nd act!
*Fried spinach tastes like nothing.
Cable swing-creates semi-terrifying moments (if you are afraid of speed and heights) (I think this is of Bubba D in about 1997)
Finally...the piece 'o resistance...
Bows and arrows...Sorry Kassi & Jess-this photo makes me giggle. A time-honored tradition-making bows and arrows. Keeps the Dads and kids extremely busy for hours.
And there's more....getting carsick each and every time we go...good, clean, cool mountain air.......dead rats in the bathroom........ice cold mountain water.....making "houses with pine needles...dodging bears.......memories of family & fun!
From a favorite author---his recent conference talk was a mini Reader's Digest version of this wonderful book. This is one I purchased and I will be re-reading it again and again.This is on my nightstand now. A World War I story....it's a story of finding love-losing love and then hopefully finding it again---I haven't gotten far enough into it yet-but it is a good read so far.
Speaking of good reads...there is a web site called goodreads.com which I have come across and plan to browse in my spare time....someday. I have a pile of books on my desk that were recommended by people whose blogs I read.....thanks for sharing ladies!