I am a very, very bad mommy. I feel SO bad. I forgot to send Elder Steve a Valentine's package and he was the ONLY one in his apartment that didn't get anything. I really, really feel bad......
In order to repent, I sent him a VERY large package from Dear Elder.com....{sigh} I hope he forgives me.....
Your not a bad mom. I'm sure all will be forgiven. I wouldn't have thought to send a package for V-day. (Hope that makes you feel better!!)
awww! tell him to get used to it! v-day is a woman's holiday! :) i kid, i kid!!!
thanks for your comment on my blog! i'm so glad to have found my way over to yours...
we can't be perfect all the time! I'm sure he knows you love him and think of him. A make-up package will be fun for him too!
Ahh, he needed something to remind him that you're really not perfect like he thinks!
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