Today I will discuss "The Law of Costco." This law can be applied to many different situations, of which I will explain. First of all, "The Law of Costco" states....."there is a law, irrevocably decreed that thou shalt NOT leave Costco with a receipt for less than $100." It's a given. I mean really, you cannot go into Costco and leave with just a jar of peanut butter and a box of granola bars. As you stroll down the aisles, you are reminded that you are out of toilet paper, shredded cheese, milk, and man, oh man, that sample of chicken fricassee tasted SO good and you have to take some home to your family.....
This law can also apply to husbands. For example, "honey, could you run to the store-we are out of milk." Honey obligingly trots down to local supermarket and when he returns 45 minutes later he brings your requested gallon of milk, plus an additional 3 gallons, which won't fit into your already stuffed fridge. IN addition, he brings home 5 boxes of cereal, 3 of which are on your forbidden foods list....(i.e. Froot loops, Captain Crunch, and Frosted Flakes), a bunch of bananas, a dozen donuts, a bag of fritos, because they are his favorite and they were only $2, and a package of corn tortillas...........Totally random and he is absolutely delighted with his purchases.
What is the point?? This law also applies to this place:

So yesterday, I have a free moment and I am thinking, I just need to run to Ikea and get some glass jars for my scrapbook ribbon.....Now Ikea is a small trek from my house so I don't just "run" down there but of course since I do have some free time yesterday I think this is the perfect moment to get that little postponed errand finally done.......So what do I come home with? This of course:

And this because I hate my current bedside lamp and of course it is cute and cheap:
And this because I need them for my office:
And finally this:
(the dresser, not the boy)
I rest my case. The Law of Costco in action.