The theme for today will be...."Turn It Off."
How is it that every light seems to be on when the whole fam leaves for the day? Or when you come home at night-the house is lit up like a Christmas tree!? So my goal is Turn it Off...We are gradually replacing our incandescent bulbs with these babies.....

With the idea to save energy and $$ but dang, these puppies are expensive! So we are doing it a little at a time...when one blows.....we replace it. We are also excited because these bulbs do not emit any heat-so when it is 110 outside-we don't feel like we are contributing to 110 inside with the lights.
The next goal is to get another garbage can in the office-It seems that every day 95% of the mail that enters the house is JUNK JUNK JUNK--but that's a post for another day. If I have a recycle garbage can in the office, well, shoot, that stuff can be recycled and I can save a tree!
Quote for the Day: From President Spencer W. Kimball, “We recommend to all people that there be no undue pollution, that the land be taken care of and kept clean to be productive and to be beautiful” (Ensign, May 1975).
Yep, us too. A little at a time. I'm excited though....if what they say is true, I could save $300.00 a year. I'm all for that.
We have also been changing them out...little by little. I'm not excited how they look but I'm all for saving a few $$$.
PS Costco sales a pack of them - we have done the math and they are cheeper than at home depot
Hey there (Sister Larsen, as I should say), I found your blog through Angie's. You are too cute! You should tell my Mom to blog. I can't convince her! Anyway- how are you? How's Amy? I think about her often. We are coming to Mesa in May and would love to see her. Glad to have another blogging friend :) ~Cindy (Merrell) Spratling
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