Two years seemed like such a long time....But guess what....that year went by so fast, I can't believe it! Although honestly, right now, another year seems like a long time to me. It has been so fun so see him grow and progress....and we get to talk to him on the phone in about a month!
And I've got one more year to get another one ready to leave-right after his brother comes home......
Somehow one year doesn't seem so long after all.........
It's amazing that one year has passed already. Missions are awesome. I love what they did for my brothers. And your right my guess is that the next year will go by very quickly for you.
Hump Day is probably happiest for the missionary, their moms, and their girlfriends (if they have one)!
WOW! Happy Hump Day. The 2nd year goes even faster for the missionary...maybe it will for you too!
We are happy to have your son out here in TN. we need good missionaries and good members...maybe you guys should move out next!? :)
A year already... wow being away from family is like I am stuck in slow motion ... I swear he just left a few months ago.
This next year will go by fast :)
Can it be a year? It seems like just yesterday he got his call. Time flies!
YAY! I'm glad to hear it goes fast. We start our 2 years in 3 more weeks. I'm a little nervous.
Happy Hump Day to you! I think the second year goes faster than the first! :)
I totally cried when my missionary son got in the security line. He wanted us to leave, but we just stood there staring at him...definitely weird!
time just flies, doesn't it!
your such a good (& funny) mama!
Man that year just FLEW!!!! Won't be long till he is back here at home & we are waving goodbye to Bubba-D. Now THAT is crazy!
and happy b-day to your daddy, too.
i didn't cry until the day we took my daughter to the airport as she left for scotland on her mission, then, just like you, i could not stop the tears and my face was wet, too.
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