You mentioned previously...I have my own bizness. In fact for 15 years. What is it, you ask? It's this:

No, I'm not a doctor. I just transcribe the stuff that the doctors say in those funny machines. Done this for 15 years. It's been very good to me. I have done well. I've been able to stay home with my thundering herd and at least be here physically, although maybe not mentally here all the time.
It's nice to know the doctor lingo-it's amazing how much respect you generate when you are at the doctor 's office and you can toss in an "itis" or an "ectomy" now and then. It has been very useful in the past while dealing with some serious and not-so-serious medical issues.
One of my best moments was when the doctor, dressed in his white coat, was begging me, yes, pleading for me to do his dictation. I consider that one of the highlights of my ego-building experiences.
I have done work for doctors from India, Scotland, and various types of accents from the good ol' USA.
I've done dictation on almost every body part, both male & female, except maybe the colon......
I have heard many interesting things in the background during dictation-music, telephones ringing, other people talking, kids playing, dogs barking. I have heard doctors yelling, whispering, laughing, belching, talking about other random subjects and so on. But the kicker was when I heard this:
(No-he's really not doing that in this picture-wait maybe he is!)
Now, I've lived with a man for over 30 years, I have three boys. I know what this sounds like-but believe me, I couldn't believe it when I heard that telltale sound in the background during the discussion of someone's knee exam....
I had to ask a couple of other people to listen to see if they agreed with me.
They agreed.....
I couldn't believe he was actually going to the bathroom during the recording! Maybe he forgot that I can hear everything that is going on in the background...
So... back to the anxiety. I'm going to start a new doctor today. He convinced me to do his work-although I am mostly retired these days. He starts dictating today. So I always have that little bit of anxiety--wondering if he talks fast, will I understand him, will he like my work, how long will it take to do his work...yada yada yada.
In fact, I am so anxious, I really feel the need to eat some chocolate. And pray that all I hear in the background is some nice soft music or telephones ringing.......
I don't think people realize that you can hear whats going on in the bathroom!
My biggest pet peeve is when people are talking on thier cell phones while they are ... well you know- YUCK!
You'll do GREAT! I bet it is apretty interesting busness. That is too funny that someone decided to dictate from the little boys room. (lol) that makes me laugh. Good luck!!
Well when ya gotta go....YOU GOTTA GO!----I guess!!!
You will do wonderful....maybe he records his findings in that would be challenging
Oh, Mom, you're a pro, I'm sure it will be NO problem.
I remember the peeing story. Hysterical still. hahaha
This is the industry I would like to crack...what a great job...I can understand your anxiety though...WOW..that is some pressure...especially when you have to act ingorant to those backgound noises all the time!
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