Projected temps for Phoenix-103-104
Projected temps for San Diego-75.
To most of you normal people out there this is just a disgusting mess, evidence of my poor housewifery skills....but to my weird way of thinking, actually it is evidence of my healthy diet! I mean really... look at those fiber filled beans, cuke peelings and cantaloupe seeds. Why there's even a random spinach leaf and an apple core! Of course if I was a true-blue granola this stuff would be in my compost bin, but we're takin' baby steps here folks.....
Well, I must pause my randomness for the moment because it's time to go groom myself and head off for the "Sacred Hair Day." The Divine Ms. J. has been off and my tresses are in desperate need of rejuvenation......
Dinner made with garden cukes, onions, peppers and herbs from my garden (not the watermelon-dang it!)
A very, very, very small harvest of red potatoes-but yet made fabulous roasted potatoes with olive oil and rosemary...
Large, green peppers-which are supposed to be red.....
Our one and only grape bunch-small grapes but oh so delicious and sweet!
Yes, I am ready to accept, move on and go forward a stronger and better gardener!
The wind picked up that trampoline and flung it across the yard, impaling it on the pool fence and tearing a hole right through it! Umm, that's a pretty powerful wind.
A very dirty pool-
Now all I have to endure are the annoying TV news helicopters buzzing around like pesky flies during the evening, morning and noon news shows......but, if that's all I have to endure, well, I'm mighty grateful. At least I wasn't in the car that got hit by the flying power pole last night!
5. Reading books:Great book.....sound principles of eating-some really yummy recipes-there's a companion cookbook too-
This was a light, fun read, particularly appropriate for this time of year-celebrating our pioneer heritage....
6. Because I am totally lame-I signed up for an on-line Spanish class at the beginning of the summer and I am trying to get through that......
So that's my excuses for being a blogger slacker.......Living life at the moment is more interesting than writing about it I guess....
This oh-so-adorable baby girl quilt is being made in advance-whoever has the next baby girl snags it-I'm trying to be efficient here-I may end up some years getting a multitude of grandbabies and I am just trying to be prepared! (justifying the purchase of course)
Oh, these luciousness of colors-SO much fun. I can hardly wait to do this one!
Last but not least, a future project.....remember these?
"And never could be a people more blessed than were they, and more prospered by the hand of the Lord. And they were in a land that was choice above all lands, for the Lord hath spoken it." Ether 10:28
I'm grateful to live in a country where I can worship as I choose, live where I choose, work how I choose, raise my family as I choose.
I'm grateful to my ancestors who came to this land, fought for this land, and in some cases died for this land. I'm grateful for their sacrifices that I may have the life I live today.
I'm grateful for the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers, who were inspired and directed by God to form this country.
God Bless the USA!
For those of you who live in this fair state, you may think I am nuts but ever since I was an infant, every summer, my family headed north to the Mother Land. We made stops beginning in Payson, next to Provo, Murray, Salt Lake, Bountiful, Roy, ending in Logan and then reversing the process all over again, heading south. If I had a chat with any long-time resident of Utah-we would probably be related.....(I'm descended from the 2nd wife of course)......But I dearly adore going to Utah and these days I try to head there at least once or twice a year. To visit family and be restored... I don't have a lot of photos of those travels, but this photo to me epitomizes those yearly treks.
The aunts preparing food. Never ending food......and one of my uncles strolling in the background looking for wildlife or other interesting biological bits of information.....As I said before, we started in Payson and ended up in Logan......with a never ending buffet of hamburgers, potato salad and beans (old family joke). As I married and started my family, we too began the almost yearly trek to Utah and I have passed down the Utah DNA to my posterity......
Make fun of me if you like-but I will always reserve a piece of my heart for the Beehive State.....
So it's EFY at BYU or bust!