I love the cool 60 degree weather every morning.
Overheard conversation from two morning walkers, "I really want to add on to my house..........I know I should be grateful for what I have....." Where else could you overhear this conversation?
The clean cut, ENTHUSIASTIC happy faces of the young adults assisting at EFY.
I love swathing myself in a quilt in a freezing cold basement in July. TL-can I have a basement???????
Oh, I so MISS Happy Valley..thanks for getting me excited...we are going back for the first time in 4 years....very very soon.
I soooo wish I was there!
What a pretty view! I am glad your cooling off... please bring some of the cool weather home!! :) Have a great time!!
Aw, makes me miss being there already. And yes, the cool mornings are awesome and there is nothing like a cold basement during the hot summer. Boy are we ever grateful for that in Michigan!
I want a basement too! Glad you are having fun.
Wow, that is nice. Are you in a motor home? Oh and how long are you gone? You missed the mother of all storms tonight Marilyn. I will post the wetness on my blog and you will see the mess. We had the wash over flooded and yikes, I rained for 2 hours. I was driving home from 2 miles away going 25 in a 50 miles per house lanes. Yikes, it was windy and rainy like now I know what a hurricaine feels like(semi)
love the new look of the blog- very nice.
the mornings and eves here are the best and even during the heat of the day, you don't get that "burn your face off" heat fan like in az.
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