Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Random Bits of Useless Information
I woke up Monday morning feeling like I'd been hit by a bus. Although in truth, I have never actually been hit by a bus, it just seems to perfectly describe my thoughts and physical-ness this day.
I didn't go to the gym-didn't feel like it.
I couldn't figure out how to start out Monday morning, so I washed towels.
It seemed the sensible thing to do. And brainless.
My new favorite green smoothie is frozen peaches, frozen blueberries, banana, OJ, spinach and now I'm even getting daring and adding a large stalk of kale. I love you, Utah peaches!
I listened to Spanish and spoke Spanish ALL.DAY.SATURDAY....alllll day.
By Sat. night at the Women's Conference, my brain was so tired that I confessed I had breast-fed one of my daughters until she was 18 years old.....yes, I know the difference between the word months and years in Spanish, it just didn't come out right. More hysterical laughter from the Hispanic group.
I did a sneaky thing on Sunday........
TL said to me, why don't you just ditch out on one of your meetings and go see Jen?
That seemed like the most wonderful idea! So I did.
I missed out on a Sacrament meeting and made the long drive to Phoenix where my daughter had chosen to give birth, and I spent an hour smooching and cuddling my latest grandson.
It was heaven.
Just so ya' know I'm not too much of a sinner, I attend 2 Sacrament mtgs every Sunday, for the last 4 1/2 years, so I only missed one.
I haven't heard from Elder Dan yet.
Our internet has been out for several days.
It seems like months.
I think I'm addicted to the internet.
I like giving my hubby a big smooch and a full hug in the morning after his shower before he leaves for work.
(my kids are saying ewwwww)
I just bought a new rosemary plant and I'm going to try growing some lavender.
I opened the front door and for the first time this season!
(Unless you've ever lived in Phoenix, Arizona, you don't get it)
The fresh air was heaven.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cleaning the Teenager Rooms or,
Last week I was still trying to get out of the doldrums, not worrying about my kid every minute of the day and checking the email every 10 minutes to see if he had written, and I got the cleaning bug and attacked his room and the teenage daughter room. Here's a sampling of what I found:
School notebooks from junior high.
Tons of extension cords.
A basket from 1988.
Trash, tons of trash....enough trash to start my own landfill! I don't think garbage can and teenage brain commute.
I have been looking for these for weeks!
The sacred family backpack. Purple color for Mesa High, which has been passed down from sister to sister through the generations. Sorry girls, it's in the garbage.
Enough money to start my Alaska travel fund.Old gaming systems (this one was in daughter's room......)
Now I finally know where the knee brace went.
And I created enough dust to cause 500 people an allergy attack. But now I feel cleansed and purged and we'll see how long it lasts.......until the next cleaning frenzy begins, or I need to find something that is missing.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Guess What We Got Yesterday????
Friday, September 25, 2009
Trying to Get the Gardening MoJo back
I wish I knew how to make larger bell and red bell peppers. Probably add tons of chemical fertilizers, which I don't. Any ideas?
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Letter To My Son

So anyways, after arousing myself from my stupor of thought, I got busy and cleaned your room. Take a good look at it, it looks way different than when you were here.Don't worry, I didn't throw EVERYTHING away. Just packed it away. And I just wanted to thank you so much for the $4.89 that you left scattered for me all over the room. That makes my cleaning pay about $1.89 per hour, which I am going to save up for a trip to
Alaska in two years.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Testosterone/Estrogen level in our home just equalled out
The ritual passing of the keys of the teenage car to the next generation.
The destruction of the devices of Babylon, aka, the ipod (don't freak, it didn't work anyway-the Stake Pres. loved it!)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Tuesday Tip
The goal around here has been to eat more whole grains. Sure, I have these white bucket things full of all sorts of good nutrition stashed in various corners of my house. Well, in order to eat more whole grains, they have to be easily accessible. It's just too dang hard to run around trying to find the whole grain sorghum for my power pancakes, especially when I need only 1/3 of a cup.
So I decided to put little stashes of my whole-grain goodness closer to where I needed them. In my pantry cupboard in the kitchen. Illustration:
I have all sorts of little plastic thingies, PETE containers and empty canning jars that I can put a couple of cups of this and that in them so they are easily available when I need a 1/2 of quinoa for a pilaf or 1/3 of sorghum for the power pancakes. Maybe someday I'll get the color coordinated Tupperware, or whatever for all my grains but for now, this works for me.
For those of you out there who are way further advanced than I on the nutrition and homemaker scale this may have been a well, duh, tip, but for me it was kind of an ah-ha moment.
You can even copy my ghetto labeling system. I won't mind.
P.S. Daniel leaves in exactly 24 hours-so if you haven't already guessed, this is a post-dated post.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Little CMB
This is the look he gave me right after I pulled the binky out of his mouth-hence the puckered lips look. I figured I needed a little variety in this photo shoot. I still haven't captured the dimple yet. Well, I wish I could tell you that he recited his ABCs, quoted the first chapter of 1st Nephi and did a dance around the couch, but that's pretty much all he did Friday: sleep, eat, poop and look cute.
We'll save the rest for another day.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Guess Who got Asked on her First Date??
Aww, she knows who it is.
October 10, 2009
Mark that day in your history books.