Saturday, May 31, 2008
Let the Summer BEGIN!
Friday, May 30, 2008
She's Baaaack
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Colour du Jour
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Update on Elder Steve
This is where he is......sort of.....Nashville TN
It's really cold in Nashville in the winter.......
(He mentions this market in his tape-the owner is a member and they love to go there and get free food!)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
She's Off!
Monday, May 26, 2008
MFF and Macho-ness
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Not a Whole Lot of Swimming Going On
Friday, May 23, 2008
What is Wrong With These Photos?
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Deja vu Part 2-Lessons Learned
I just had to "gird up my loins" so to speak and push away the feelings of panic and terror that engulfed me. I felt a sense of inner calm inside and I knew things were going to be okay-just didn't know how soon.
JH (TL's business partner) came over and assisted me in getting him in and out of the car. We only spent about 30 min. in the urgent care-he was the first patient- and it became very obvious how ill TL was. The hospital was just across the street and we were in the ER in a matter of minutes and he got right in. By this time Jen (our oldest) had arrived and with her calm, efficient assistance we got things done (she is a nurse).
Thus begins the process of elimination. When trying to diagnose what is wrong, doctors generally make a list and then start crossing things off depending upon test results. The list became shorter as negative results came in, no stroke, no blocked carotids, and heaven only knows what else they were looking for-but then finally a positive diagnosis-meningitis-now to find out whether it was viral or bacterial. They isolated him in a room-made us gown and mask and anyone who came in had to gown and mask. By this time our oldest son had arrived and I felt his comforting arms around me bearing me up. By this time TL was very, very ill-with the same dementia type symptoms as the virus overwhelmed his body. I must say though, even as sick as he was, he was never quite as crazy as he was the 1st time.
We were sent upstairs in isolation and I made the first decision-I wasn't going to stay. Last time I was afraid to leave him. I knew what was going to happen, I knew that we had extremely competent medical help and I knew I couldn't jeopardize my own health by staying with him for 24 hours a day. Believe me, I shed tears over that-feeling so guilty....He did a lot of crazy things like ripping out his IVs and trying to get out but he had compassionate people there to help take care of him. I also became super protective. After seeing him fade away into exhaustion after a visitor arrived-I began to screen his visitors and tell people not to visit right now-he was too sick. If they wanted to see him-it had to be for a short while.
Slowly but surely as time passed, the medication and fluids assisted him, and the miracle of healing of our human bodies occurred-he began to be more coherent and gain strength. Our next hurdle was waiting to find out what kind of virus attacked him as it would determine the treatment-possible 3 weeks on IV anti-virals.
Monday morning arrived and the good news-no long-term IV therapy, good to go-take it easy and see your family doctor next week. Other than a new diagnosis of high blood pressure (gulp) he will make a full recovery-and continues to progress each day.
This could happen again-I hope not-I hope I have learned something (him too!) that we won't have to go through it again.
Lessons learned:
I can't do it all.
Something as simple as saying, "I'll pray for you," bringing in a meal, or a phone call lifts a tremendous burden. I felt the prayers, I felt my burden being carried by others and I will never forget it.
The power of prayer and priesthood blessings.
In my inner "core" I felt peaceful-even though I lost it a couple of times. I know that the spirit of the Lord was carrying me through.
Just the day before all this happened, I was reading Elder Bednar's talk from the last conference. A huge learning experience.
I came across a quote just yesterday that inspired me. I share it for others who may be experiencing trials...""No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude, and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifieds our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God. . . .and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven. . . "--Orson F. Whitney
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Deja vu
1997. Today was January 30th, our 22 wedding anniversary. A large glass vase with a dozen red roses graced our kitchen table. I knew that we wouldn't be doing much today, as TL was still in the throws of some kind of flu bug that held him captive for over a week. He didn't seem to be doing much better today. Concerned, I called our home teacher and asked him to come over to give him a blessing. The blessing was given, comfort assured, and I hurried off to begin my crazy day. We had 7 children, ages ranging from 3 1/2 to 19. Our oldest was getting married in six weeks and I had lots of things on my list, in addition to my booming medical transcription business. I had six ladies working for me with over 20 doctors dictating on a daily basis. I had to make my early morning run to the offices, come home and prepare the afternoon delivery, not to mention my own dictation to type. Needless to say, I was going 100 miles an hour from dawn to late after dusk. When I returned from my delivery, I checked on TL, then began to work. About 11 am I looked up when I heard a noise behind me. It was TL-standing proudly-looking kind of like a 2 year old who has accomplished something big-like putting his shoes on the wrong feet. He had gotten dressed. Only there was one problem......He was wearing my glasses. I knew at that moment that something was wrong. I gently guided him to the couch and began talking to him. His responses were slow and measured. He didn't seem to know what day it was. My heart stood still as I realized there was something seriously wrong. I called his doctor, the only one he had ever seen in 15 years. He seemed uninterested. "Just take him to urgent care," he said. When helping TL get ready to go, he couldn't figure out how to put his shoes on. I had a hard time getting him into the car. We went to the nearest urgent care where the preliminary diagnosis was a stroke. I knew it wasn't a stroke. I had enough medical knowledge to know the signs and symptoms of a stroke. We stayed there for a couple of hours, as I watched him slowly descend into madness. The decision was made to get him to the ER. The problem was, he wouldn't cooperate and he began to get aggressive. They called an ambulance and I tearfully followed them over. I had never felt so alone in my life. I couldn't get a hold of anyone on the phone. It took me several hours of trying before I felt the comforting arms of extended family around me. After days of viral-induced dementia-he began to slowly come out of it as his body and the medicine overcame the germs. Because he was so out of control, he had to be tied to his bed and a family member sat with him for 24 hours a day. We had to prevent him from getting up, ripping out IVs and trying to escape. He is a large, strong man, so my brother-in-law spent a lot of evenings with him. After crossing off each possible diagnosis after numerous tests, the final verdict was, viral meningitis. He fully recovered after six days in the hospital. I had never felt such terror in my life-wondering if my husband would come back to me.
May 14, 2008. I paced the floor, waiting for my neighbor, who is a paramedic and a worthy priesthood holder, to come back from his morning walk. As soon as I saw them turn the corner, I ran out and said, "I need help." He got his son and they returned quickly to check him out and give TL a blessing. The blessing was pronounced, the words were few, but I immediately knew what I had to do and I needed to do it fast......
Monday, May 19, 2008
All tests negative except a new diagnosis of high blood pressure.
I'll blog all the sordid details later.
I think I need some recovery time too.
It's going to take a few days to get that "hospital smell" out of my nose.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Hospital temP: Considerably colder
As I contemplate my wardrobe today as I head off to the hospital-I am in conflict-outside-HOT. Inside-COLD. Why are hospitals so dang friggin' freezin???? I will meditate on that today.
TL update: Still very sick. Yesterday about 50% out of it as compared to the last two days of maybe 75% out of it-so that is an improvement. We still have a long haul ahead waiting for test results (virus type) and the verdict as to when he comes home-they're not making any promises yet. I agree-I don't want to take care of him at home yet.
Grateful for: Wonderful nurses-nurses are saints! Supportive family and friends. Wonderful ward members-wonderful people who I don't even know praying for us.....(I can feel it!) Priesthood blessings.
Learning: Patience & Faith
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Bee Grateful
Monday, May 12, 2008
Weekend in Photos

May 11, 2008
Elder Steve is the one on the right. He's doing great-he speaks Spanish like a pro-we got to talk for 1 hr. 45 min-the best news-he sent another photo card-yay!
The reason why we have Children:
May 11, 2008
Baby E.-Lil Bright eyes. She has suffered for nine months from plugged tear ducts and her eyes are finally healing.
The Secret Life of BeesI have learned more about bees this weekend than I really wanted. Don't know if you can see that odd shaped brownish thing in the trees-that is a swarm of bees settling down to make a nice home. They started swarming Sat. morning and I am terrified to go outside or let the grandkids go outside-90% of bees in AZ are africanized bees-"killer" bees which are very aggressive when defending their queen.....{gulp} The estimate of his group was 100,000 bees.......
Final thought..."The unthankful heart discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" Henry Ward Beecher
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

She is pretty much a walking miracle. When she was a young adult, she contracted a terrible disease called scleroderma. Basically what happens with scleroderma is that all the soft tissues in the body slowly harden until they don't function anymore. But for some reason, she went into remission and though she has had some residual effects from it, she is still here with us! (she had to have me & my sisters!)
She has a Master's Degree in Chemistry with a minor in nutrition (she's smart)
She worked part-time when her kids were little to help supplement the family income and to keep her sanity with 3 kids 3 and under (I was a few days short of 3 when #3 was born-#2 was 10 1/2 months).
She has taught me to love my heritage.
She has taught me to be a lady.
She was always there for me. I remember coming home from school shouting, "Mommy!" She would answer, "What?" No reason-I just wanted to make sure she was there.
She taught me sewing skills, cooking skills, homekeeping skills. (I nagged her to death until she finally relented to allow me to learn to sew. I was in the 5th grade. I think I nagged for a few years prior)
She listened to me for endless hours on the phone when I was a young mother with all my struggles.
She always made a big fuss over TL when we visited (and still does)
Thanks for giving me life-my mother. I hope you have a lovely Mother's Day.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I'd Like To Introduce you to......
Friday, May 9, 2008
Through The Eyes of a Child

Some little known facts about me...

(There seems to be a lot of desire for sleep going on)
And, in case you are really interested, here's my usual schedule for the day (about 12 yrs ago)