"Take Heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers...." Acts 20:28
Bishop in action.

This is my Bishop.
He is a great Bishop.
When he heard about our bee problem, he suited up in his bee suit and was right over to rid our backyard of the "killer bees." (I am sure he would prefer to remain anonymous in his bee suit)
He said that this would be considered a "prime swarm" which consists of probably around 100,000 bees. They were busy, busy, busy. Look at just a small portion of what they produced in only a matter of about 48 hours! (the other side is covered with the waxy honeycomb too)
I can see why Brigham Young wanted the symbol of Utah to be the beehive-bees are extremely industrious!!
Sorry, I just had to throw that photo in-you know I like to visually illustrate my posts.
Coming tomorrow: "Visual Essay-Images from Tennessee-Life of a Mormon Missionary"
Wow thats alot of bees! We have wasps (which I thought were alot), but you have way more bees than we have wasps!
Holy cow that's a lot of bees! I bet they wanted to be around your fabulous garden! Good thing you were able to get rid of them quick. Who knows how many more there would have been. I love the picture of Uncle Terri!!
Oh my, glad you got the bee problem taken care of! Sure do like TL's outfit.
Good thing you have such a nice bishop to help you out. Uncle Terry looks great!
Gotta love a full-service Bishop.
I had read that there was a big issue with the bee population dying. I guess that isn't true-they have just relocated to sweeter homes.
Wow, marilyn,
that is crazy. we had a little teenie weenie one on our mobile home before. that chipboard cone type of hide.
Yikes, I am so glad you got rid of that problem.
WOW! That is great to have such a loving & caring bishop!!
cool pictures, too! :)
Go Bishop! He's the man! :)
We had a swarm in our front yard tree last year, and my hubby told me to calm down and wait 24 hours...some swarms move on. In our case, he was right, yay! :)
That is one cool bishop. I wonder if ours has a bee suit? I've never seen anything like that around here. Crazy!
now that is above and beyond the call!
Love it!
that is a fantastic bishop! if it were me i would have moved out for the month. o i am late in answering your eagle question - it is a $10,000 project (gulp) and he has around 7,600.
Ugh I HATE bees. I'll never forgive them for stinging me when I was a kid. If only we didn't need them to pollenate the world and keep us all alive...
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