Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Happy Birthday
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Talent oozing out her fingers
This is the child that can create a costume for the renaissance festival out of sheets and no does she do that?
BTW... I gave her the cool pink planner for Christmas ;)
Friday, December 28, 2007
La Oficina
On to the health department news....I can now speak above a whisper but if I talk too much, I start coughing. (could this be some kind of evil plot to keep me quiet?) Arwen phoned me this morning and informed me that she thinks she has strep throat, Baby E. has pinkeye, Tres Yernos are devastated over the ASU loss, not sure how long it will take them to recover......
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sharing Christmas
Talking to Elder Steve was great. When the phone rang, I said "hello." He said, "hello". And I rattled off...."hola, como estas m'ijo!" There was dead silence. I think he wondered if he had the right number. It cracked me up. We all took turns talking to him and everyone wanted him to speak Spanish but he wouldn't until TL initiated the conversation, then he would reply. He speaks very good Spanish. His brothers and sisters were cracking up listening to him.
So tomorrow I will post about why I am saving a tree today by all the cardboard I have recycled..............
Here's to hoping for a decent night's sleep......
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas jammies v.2007
I will post more later-I have waved the white flag and surrendered to the virus invading my body........can't hardly speak above a whisper..
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Reason for the Season
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Birthday to my Mom!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Another tradition
So I'm off to have some Airborne and Echinacea with lemon herb tea.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Fiesta de los Nietos
Each year William Sonoma makes a really cool cupcake pan for the holidays. Last year it was a train and this year it was cars. So last year I started the tradition and prepared cakes and the trimmings and had the grandkids, plus extra cousins, come and decorate. It is so fun to prepare the stuff and watch the mommies help their little ones. The idea here is to eat at least as much candy as you put on your creation!These two photos are for great-grandma's benefit-the newest of the babies..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tradition #......uh 6

So I'm off for the second annual Fiesta de Los manana....
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
It's the little things
Here's Bubba D.-studying for his final-without being nagged. Saints be praised! I have not failed as a mother! Dad said, "quick, get the camera!"
Have I mentioned how much I am enjoying parking my car in the garage? My husband built this ingenious step device "so mom won't crash through the wall with the car." I am so loving getting up early to take Alyssa to school in my jammies and fuzzy slippers and not freezing my patootie!
Sharing time is planned for this Sunday-yes, 2 days before Christmas-it's my turn!
I know what I am having for dinner tonight-going in the crockpot soon.
Okay-I feel better-this too shall pass-the crisis will be solved involves the Christmas jammies-I just made double work for myself......
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Holiday Traditions #4 and #225
Tradition #4
Jammies. A few years ago I started doing matching jammies for all the big people. I buy the same jammies in XXXL and use the fabric to make jammies for the little ones. This photo was from two years ago-somebody has lost my photo from last year!
Tradition #225
In keeping with the jammies theme, it just wouldn't be Christmas if I wasn't sitting in front of the sewing machine for hours-I mean-it just wouldn't. I don't know why-but I have to make something every Christmas. It started years ago when I made my little sisters some Barbie "campers" out of cardboard boxes and leftover fabric. I think I was about 8-9 years old. Creating homemade gifts for Christmas has been happening ever since-to one degree or another, depending upon how far advanced in pregnancy I was at the time or how much I was working.
Well, I'm off to go visiting teaching and check off a few more things on my list!
Monday, December 17, 2007
What is about the most annoying thing on earth today?
2nd most annoying thing on earth today?
Spending a jillion dollars on bifocal contacts and STILL not being able to see to thread the needle!
(I can just hear Arwen saying to me, "Mom, you have WAY too much time on your hands." My reply, "yep, I do, and i earned every minute of it!"
So I'm off to take a few deep cleansing breaths, rewind my bobbin and get the magnifying glass out so I can thread the needle.....Chao
Holiday Tradition #5
On Christmas morning when I was growing up, and we would get up ten times before 5 AM, my mom would finally give in and tell us we had to stay in our rooms and she would bring our Christmas stockings in to open first on our beds. There were always lots of cool little things in our stockings and it satisfied us and held us off for a few minutes longer. Now as my own children have grown up, I have made stockings a pretty big deal and it is amazing what little treasures you can stuff into stockings! It is really fun to figure out neat stocking stuffers.....
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Holiday Tradition #3
Friday, December 14, 2007
Holiday Tradition #2

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Holiday Tradition #1
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another Sunny Day in AZ?
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Just another day
Since it is so gloomy and cold (at least for AZ) I had a yummy lunch of my homemade vegie barley soup and I am going to attempt to have a healthy dinner tonight with this:
Note***When you have a large family there is ALWAYS someone who hates the dinner. It doesn't matter what you cook........So I have always tried to please as many of the masses as possible and the rest can starve! (maybe that's why there is always food hidden away.........)
Later: They ate it! Not a lot, but they ate it...woo hoo. It was absolutely delish!!!
Monday, December 10, 2007