So then I was thinking, could I imagine my man....striding through the mists in the early morning.......waiting to hear him say, " i...i....i.....loveyou." (remember that part?) ???? hmmmmmm............................................
naw-don't think so.........
Now get a load of this:

therefore, I kinda like my guy who will rescue me when I have a flat tire on the freeway-who has changed his share of dirty diapers-spent many hours putting together various items for me like Ikea desks-rigged up a cool "stop" so I can't run my car through the garage wall- actually likes to go shopping with me--digs up my garden for me twice a year-- Can you imagine Darcy doing that??? hmmmmmmmm.......
naw-don't think so.....
Ahhh, that's so sweet!! I love that you still think of your husband that way.
I have alway's thought Uncle Terry was THE BEST....you just confimed it.
I totally agree, Mom! My honey isn't exactly a picture of the world's view of Prince Charming, but he sure is my Prince!
Awwwwwwww Mom! That is so dang sweet! I swoon at that part of the movie too, although I too could NEVER see my R striding through the mist like that....espcially in that jacket/cape thing. LOL! BUT I definately love him for the man that he is.
I'm a big fan of Darcy as well, but I gotta tell ya, if Gerard Butler showed up at my door singing "Past the point of no return", I'd follow him to the antipedes in a stupor of gaga...
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