On Friday, TL and I went to the southeast-most corner of AZ almost as close to the border as you can get-and visited Curry Farms and purchased more of this yummy salsa:
Ed Curry's main business is growing chilis for seed-If you have bought a jalapeno or any other kind of chili for your salsa recently, Ed probably grew the chilis that produced the seeds that produced the chili you bought.......(does that make sense?) Fun day, except this is a VERY rural area, no malls, Mickie-Ds or Burger Kings to be found...
Sat. did a bit o' scrappin' with the lovely Arwen-spend a wad for her birthday at Scrapbooks, ETC. -minus her most appreciated gift card and birthday discount! (just call me sugar mamma)
Finally, the piece 'o resistance was the Sunday dinners with the family-resuming again since we all go to church in the morning this year.
(picking out toppings for your Navajo taco is serious business)
And of course, for all you snowbound folks, I MUST gloat about our lovely weather.....sorry guys, I weep and wail and gnash my teeth every summer during our 100+ days of over 100 so I must have my moment of glory at this time:
Pickin' fresh broccoli out of the garden for the grandkiddies.
So now we have a new week fresh and bright before us....I am going to embark today on another adventure of which I will blog about tomorrow!!!
(dontcha' just LOVE cliffhangers.....)
Sounds like an exciting weekend at the Larsen home. Wish we had church early.....we are cursed with the afternoon church...I think its been 4yrs since I've seen the early church.
And yes, I'm hanging off the cliff waiting for news on your fun adventure. :-)
Man, you had a good weekend!
You are killin me with these cliffhangers...but you keep us comin back for more. :)
I do hope you are enjoying your lovely weather. When I took my kids to school yesterday, it was 14 degrees!
You may feel sorry for me now.
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